[Review] Matsu (2013)

Title: 妈祖 / Ma Zu / Matsu
Genre: Legend, period drama
Episodes: 38 (19 in Taiwan)
Broadcast networks: Zhejiang TV, Dongnan TV, Anhui TV, Jiangsu TV
Broadcast period: 2012-Dec-31 to 2013-Jan-08
Screenwriter: Zeng You Qing (曾有情)
Producers: Meng Fan Yao (孟凡耀), Yang Ping (杨平), Yang Wei Guang (杨伟光)
Director: Lu Qi (路奇)


Liu Tao, Guan Xiao Tong, Yan Kuan, Zhao Hong Fei, Liu De Kai, Liu Jia, Stephen Wong, Wan Chang Hao (万昌皓)


In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, there were frequent sea disasters in the East China Sea of Fujian, causing heavy casualties to fishermen. This matter was reported by the Barefoot Immortal to the Jade Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, who applied for a sea god to be in charge of all matters of lifesaving at sea. With the support of the Queen Mother, the Barefoot Immortal found the chivalrous, kind and virtuous Lin Yuan in Meizhou Island, Putian, and asked Guanyin Bodhisattva to conceive Lin’s wife.

Fourteen months later, she gave birth to a girl named Mo Niang. After she was born, this girl was extremely intelligent, and she had a heart of kindness to help the world. The Bodhisattva and the Great Immortal were overjoyed, and they agreed to secretly accept her as an apprentice, and gradually taught her magical powers such as medicine, prediction, and celestial phenomena, so that she could take on the important task of the sea god in the future.

Many disasters on the sea are related to Yazi, the second prince of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. Yazi is a vicious guy. He secretly practiced the Dafa of Qiankun in an attempt to dominate the East China Sea. He didn’t want to cause a coma to show his original shape and was captured by fishermen. Fortunately, the young Mo Niang had a benevolent heart and pestered her elder brother to redeem Yazi and let him go. After Yazi was saved, she didn’t want to repay her. Instead, she took great pains to persecute the fishermen in order to get revenge. His sea monster Lord Yan harassed the people in every possible way.

Lin Yuan had no choice but to ask the magistrate Wang Shiqi Ask Xuan Taoist priest to subdue the demon. He didn’t want Xuantong’s practice to be too shallow, so he was escaped by Duke Yan, and Wang Shiqi’s son was also revenged by Duke Yan and became lame. Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, is old and frail, and suffers from serious illnesses. Under the instigation of his concubine, he gradually wants to retire, but he is hesitant between his second son, Yazi, and fourth son, Bi An.

Knowing this, Yazi decides to get rid of his kind-hearted competitor, the fourth younger brother Bi An. But Bi An is guarded by the powerful General Turtle, and if he wants to get rid of Bi An, he must kill General Turtle first. Yazi led his cronies to besiege and kill General Turtle. General Turtle fled to the East China Sea in a panic, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Mo Niang received the bronze talisman presented by the barefoot immortal, studied hard day and night, gradually getting better, and felt that her whole body was spiritually attached and her mana surged. Guanyin Bodhisattva also gave her a pair of silver bracelets endowed with mana, and these two treasures became her portable magic weapon. Later, whenever someone was in danger at sea, Mo Niang’s mind would be filled with red light, so her soul would fly to the sea area where the incident occurred, escorting the boat to save people.

Mo Niang sees the weather is very effective, won the trust of neighbors, but at this moment, the sea monster suddenly retaliated, Mo Niang’s elder brother and Lu Zigui’s two sons died in the shipwreck. Lu Zigui and others blame Mo Niang for his son’s death. From her brother’s death, Mo Niang felt that there must be a doctor on this island, so she borrowed money from her father to prepare to practice medicine, and finally touched her parents and supported her career.

A plague occurs on a neighboring island, and the whole family of the fisher girl Osmanthus dies on the boat. The villagers were afraid of the infection of the plague, and at Lu Zigui’s suggestion, they burned the sweet-scented osmanthus alive to eliminate the source of infection. But Mo Niang’s kind and just mother Wang Shi resolutely stepped forward to protect Osmanthus fragrans. Mo Niang decides to go to the magic island to get the sea monster to take care of the holy water, but she delays the opportunity by dealing with the sea monster. Mo Niang spread the holy water all over the islands and saved the surrounding fishermen.

During a deal with the sea monster, Mo Niang rescued the official ship, led by Wu Zonglun, an envoy of the imperial court. Wu Zonglun came to thank him afterwards, and the two chatted very happily. Mo Niang learned about many important events outside through Wu Zonglun’s advice. The relationship between the two young people aroused the jealousy of Yang Shengquan, Mo Niang’s childhood sweetheart. Yang has been unrequitedly in love with Mo Niang, and Mo Niang has always been devoted to saving people and helping the world, and has never thought about his own life.

The pirates entrenched on Heijia Island were robbing goods and wealth. Lin Yuan met Wang Shiqi, the prefect of Quanzhou, and begged him to send troops to exterminate the pirates. Wang Shiqi, who secretly colludes with the pirates, refuses to send troops, and even pretends to transport arms, asking Mo Niang to escort her, and Mo Niang readily agrees. Mo Niang defeats the Kraken and safely transports the ship to the pier, only to find that the ship is full of grain.

It turned out that Wang thief took the opportunity to hoard grain and rice to make a fortune. Mo Niang was furious and led the people to grab the grain. Wang Shiqi became angry from embarrassment, and designed to put Mo Niang Guihua in prison and be sentenced to death. During this period, he wanted to force Mo Niang to marry his son Wang Xiaofan. In order to save her sister, the fifth sister Lin Miaozhu agreed to marry Wang Xiaofan.

After Miaozhu got married, she knew that her husband Wang Xiaofan was not only crippled but also had a violent personality, so she often beat and scolded her. Miaozhu learned from her father-in-law that Wang Xiaofan’s legs were caused by her father. Out of guilt for the Wang family, she resigned herself to it, hoping to convert her husband with true affection and get a real life.
Yazi’s desire to usurp the throne continued to escalate, and finally joined forces with his cronies to kill his brother Bi An in the sea. Seeing that Yang Sheng was buried under the sea. She brought Yang Shengquan’s parents back to retrieve Yang Shengquan’s body. Fortunately, Yang Shengquan miraculously came back to life. Yang Shengquan escaped from death, but his brain lost his memory due to the stimulation, which made Mo Niang and the Yang family helpless.

After Bi An’s death, the Dragon King grieved and took precautions, not saying a word about retiring. Yazi tried to use the name of the Dragon King to harm human beings. The more people died, the more humans hated the Dragon King. Sooner or later, the Heavenly Court would be alarmed. select. So, he ordered the killing of his cronies. Once when fighting a sea monster, Mo Niang, who is still inexperienced, was seriously injured in the fight with the sea monster.

Lin Yuan, who had been a patrol inspector in the capital, organized hundreds of villagers to fight against pirates, but met the second pirate king, Du Claw King, who scratched Lin Yuan and several villagers. Faced with injuries, Mo Niang is helpless, because this kind of poison can only be cured by the poison-scattering grass that grows at the bottom of the sea. Yang Shengquan was shocked when he saw the unique wound left by the “Poison Claw King”. He turned and left, and after a short while, he collected poisonous weeds and rescued the injured villagers. Mo Niang was very puzzled, how could Yang Shengquan quickly collect the rare medicine from the deep sea? Combined with Yang Shengquan’s various strange behaviors, Mo Niang suspects that this Yang Shengquan is no longer that Yang Shengquan.

The water monster Yan Gong attacked Lu San’s daughter-in-law and her five-year-old son, and was saved by Mo Niang. Lu San’s daughter-in-law is grateful for Miss Lin’s great kindness and wants to build a shrine for Mo Niang, which is approved by the villagers. The stingy and selfish Lu Zigui also changed his attitude and returned the silver lock that Lin Hongyi used to redeem the strange fish back to Mo Niang’s sister-in-law.

Mo Niang broke into Heijia Island by herself and went straight to the pirates’ lair. The Poison Claw King defeated Mo Niang and tapped her acupuncture points. In an emergency, Yang Shengquan came all the way. The image of Qu An, the fourth prince of the East China Sea, appears. It turns out that King Poison Claw is General Turtle, facing the new and old masters, he finally persuades Lang Lifei to surrender. Seeing that the situation is not good, Lang Lifei uses a hidden weapon to knock down General Turtle, and takes the opportunity to escape through the secret passage.

With the help of Bi An and Sanzhai Zhu Zhou Shuli, Mo Niang dismissed the pirates and encouraged them to return to their hometowns to be peaceful civilians. When cleaning up the property, they found the account book of the pirate group’s bribery to the prefect Wang Shiqi over the years. Later, Mo Niang handed over the account book to Wu Zonglun. Wu Zonglun was shocked, and rushed to Beijing to transfer the account book to the court.

Bi An couldn’t hide it, so he told Mo Niang the truth. In order to avoid the end of his brothers killing each other, he had to use Yang Shengquan’s identity to steal his life. If you go back, you will die at the hands of Yazi, so you don’t know what to do. Fake Yang Shengquan’s parents learned that the so-called son was actually the fourth prince of the East China Sea. They were in awe of his noble status and supernatural power, and could no longer treat him as a son, but respectfully offered him as an ancestor. Fake Yang Shengquan felt that not only could he not fulfill his filial piety for the reborn parents in the Yang family, but it would put a burden and pressure on them. Soon, he left a letter and left without saying goodbye.

Mo Niang’s marriage became a heart disease for the whole family, and those who admired her kept coming here. Mo Niang determined not to marry in her whole life and to be a saint who saves suffering like Guanyin Bodhisattva. Wu Zonglun, who had resigned and returned to Putian County, resolutely proposed to Mo Niang, promising that Mo Niang could marry but not marry, and would only be his wife in name, with the same room and different beds, so as to preserve her holy body and at the same time eliminate Mo Niang. Family, outside pressures and endless marriage proposal troubles. Mo Niang was very moved, and soon agreed to marry Wu Zonglun.

After Jai Zi and his men caused several shipwrecks, they felt that killing people in a small way was not enough to arouse the wrath of the Heavenly Court and punish the Dragon King. In order to seize the throne of the East China Sea as soon as possible, he resorted to a new trick, pretending to be filial to the Dragon King, saying that he wanted to build a land palace for his father on the unnamed island, which would benefit his father’s health and health, and the Dragon King, who didn’t know the truth, readily accepted it. Yazi led his cronies to plunder a large number of fishermen from the sea to build a palace on the unnamed island. After the palace was repaired, all the builders were buried in the belly of the fish.

Then he reported to the Heavenly Court and blamed the crime on the Dragon King, and then he would be established as the new owner of the East China Sea because of his meritorious deeds. Immediately, he ordered Jiaying and Jiayou, the sea monsters, to lead a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals to be in charge of the construction of the project, and the rest of his men followed him to plunder people at sea.

Many fishermen disappeared after going out to sea. Mo Niang pretended to be a man and was deliberately plundered to Wuming Island and forced to do hard labor. She found out that there were tens of thousands of people on the construction site, and she also met Xu Maosheng, Lu San and other neighbors and the pirate village owner Lang Lifei. At this time, Lang Lifei has been appointed as the supervisor by Jiaying and Jiayou. Mo Niang asked the villagers to wait patiently, and she would find a way to save them back.

Mo Niang deeply felt that this kind of fake couple was wrong with Wu Zonglun, so she deliberately arranged Wu to marry Osmanthus as the second wife. But Wu Zonglun only has Mo Niang in his heart, so he puts excuses in every possible way, and even makes up a fake birth date to break Osmanthus’ mind. His noble character makes Mo Niang both moved and ashamed.

Wu Zonglun handed over the evidence of Bandit Island to the imperial court, and the emperor decreed that Wang Shiqi be imprisoned for interrogation and beheaded, and Wu Zonglun was ordered to be the prefect of Quanzhou. At this time, enemy soldiers aggressively invaded our border, and the emperor ordered Mr. Xu to lead his troops to conquer. Yazi got the news, and when the Dragon King was away, he mobilized heavy troops to attack. After Mo Niang got the news, she immediately flew to the sea to rescue the rescuers. On the way, she met Yan Gong who harmed the fishermen.

Mo Niang defeated Yan Gong, but the other party held her tightly and told her that if she saved people, it would be dangerous. How could Mo Niang believe it, knocked Yan Gong to the ground, and resolutely rushed to the sea where the accident happened. After a hard struggle, Mo Niang rescued the official boat, but was besieged by Jai Zi and his minions on the beach. Finally, outnumbered, Mo Niang fell on the beach. When the Bodhisattva and the Great Immortal arrived, she was out of breath…

The Bodhisattva and the Great Immortal sealed Mo Niang’s soul, and then the Great Immortal went to the Jade Emperor to apply for the title of Sea God for her, but the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas jointly opposed it. When the news of Mo Niang’s death came, believers from all directions were alarmed, and they built temples for her one after another.

After Mo Niang became the sea god, she worked harder to benefit the people. She subdued the Gaoli ghost, Yan Gong, and even foreign Morse and other sea monsters and ghosts, and taught them to change from evil to good. members to assist her in ensuring safety at sea. Inspired by Mazu, these evil gods changed a lot, and gradually changed their minds and became Mazu’s arms. Only then did he know that Wang Xiaofan was transformed by Yan Gong, the water monster who killed Wang Xiaofan. He and Miaozhu took their children to visit Wang Shiqi in prison, and recognized Wang as his father. Wang died in prison after some repentance.

After Mazu became the god of the sea, she had frequent contact with Wu Zonglun, and the fairyland on earth joined hands with each other to benefit the people. When there was a severe drought in his hometown, Mazu personally asked the Rain God for rain. Unexpectedly, the Rain God, who was always self-righteous, teased Mazu and promised that there would be no rain at all times. Relying on her own wisdom, Mazu tried her best in front of the Jade Emperor and forced the God of Rain to relieve the suffering of drought in her hometown. She also changed Bandits Island into a reclamation area to resettle the influx of victims from other villages. The name of the island and a good story.

Mazu repeatedly sent his subordinates to go deep into Wuming Island to find out the conspiracy of Yazi and his gang to build a palace, and obtained evidence by relying on the Queen Mother’s phonograph stone. Yazi and his gang finally found out about Bi An’s whereabouts as a monk. In order to eradicate the grass, he led his men to hunt down and kill his brothers. Bi An expresses that he will not return to Dragon Palace, he wants to follow Mazu to do a career. In order to prevent the leak of the unknown island project, Yazi instigated the powerful sixth brother to carry the island of Taiwan far away from the mainland.

The enemy army was forced to retreat to Shunfeng Island by Wu Zonglun’s army, and counterattacked with artillery, which put our army at a disadvantage. At a critical moment, Mazu appeared in front of the enemy’s formation, rebuked the retreating enemy general with the words of great benevolence and virtue, and led his troops to withdraw from the islands that invaded our country. When Wu Zonglun fought against the invading enemy soldiers, he bravely killed the enemy and finally died heroically by the enemy’s arrow.

On the night of the completion of the palace on Wuming Island, Yazi ordered his subordinates to sink all the peasants into the sea. After the incident was leaked, he ordered his accomplices to sink the ship on the sea surface, and the peasants fell into the water. The houses are lit to guide the refugees who fell into the water with the role of a lighthouse. The Lin family’s righteous deed touched the villagers, and everyone contributed to help the Lin family rebuild their home.

Mazu reported to the Jade Emperor the crime of Jai Zi’s invasion and others, so that the wicked were punished as they should. In the face of witnesses and material evidence, Yazi and his gang were undeniable, and they were severely punished by the laws of heaven. Mazu’s Shui Que Immortal Squad was successfully established, and she continued to lead her subordinates to patrol the vast sea.

Wu Zonglun was proclaimed as a hero against the enemy, and Mazu was proclaimed repeatedly, and her deeds spread all over the world.

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