EP14: Practicing meditation to eat to help reduce obesity, reduce belly

When you think of the word “meditation”, you will think of sitting that trains…

EP13: Meditation for Children (Tips)

Meditation tips for kids to increase positive energy. to increase the point of view…

EP12: Exercise for Meditation

Exercise for Meditation Nowadays, to be effective, you should practice meditation to control yourself.…

EP11: Benefits of doing meditation

Benefits of doing meditation (Another meaning) Did you know that each day we can…

EP10: Easy tips for practicing meditation on your own

Easy tips for practicing meditation on your own Meditation is peace, comfort and feeling.…

EP9: Practicing meditation for 10 minutes helps to calm the mind every day, right?

Sitting meditation is a practice to have a clear mind. reduce highs and keep…

EP8: The 16 Steps of Anapanasati

The 16 Steps of Anapanasati In this episode, one of the most important meditation…

EP7: Mindfulness of Breathing with Sixteen Bases

Anapanasati (Mindfulness of Breathing) Mindfulness of Breathing with Sixteen Bases Anapanasati refers to the…

EP6: A Guide to insight Meditation Practice

A Guide to Insight Meditation Practice in another style Standing Meditation  เอาสติดูที่เท้าว่า “Standing –…

EP5: Benefits of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation Meditate is a practice that takes concentration, focus, and steadfastness on one…

EP4: How to Practice Meditation?

Meditation Meditation is peace, comfort, and the ultimate feeling of happiness that humans can…

EP3: How To Breathe and start Meditation?

HOW TO READ THIS simple part is as follows: 1. Sit in a quiet…
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