Type of Diabetes

Type of Diabetes Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) Caused by destruction of pancreatic cells…

Meaning of Huntington’s Disease

Meaning of Huntington’s Disease Huntington’s Disease or Huntington’s Disease It is a genetic disease…

What is eczema?

What is eczema? Eczema English called Eczema or Dermatitis is one of the most…

What is heat rash?

The most common skin diseases in summer There is no escaping the problem of…

Treatment of enlarged prostate and prostate cancer without surgical incisions

Treatment of enlarged prostate and prostate cancer without surgical incisions Newer Techniques without prostate…

Acute Sinusitis

Swollen and infected nasal cavity Interferes with mucus drainage and causes mucus to become…

Degenerative cervical spondylosis, pressing on nerves

Degenerative cervical spondylosis, pressing on nerves It is a disease caused by the deterioration…

Scoliosis in Children and Adolescents

Scoliosis in Children and Adolescents A condition in which the spine is tilted to…


Diphtheria Caused by bacteria known as Corynebacterium diphtheriae, which is transmitted through mucus, saliva…

Preterm Labor

Preterm Labor Preterm Labor is a condition in which the uterus has regular contractions…

Otitis Media

Otitis Media Acute otitis media is an infection that occurs in the middle ear.…


Migraine Migraine is a neurological disease. resulting in throbbing pain violently rhythmically Often found…
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