Preserve the kidneys in the summer

Our body is composed of many important organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, brain, lungs, arms, legs, eyes, etc. Every organ is important. and work in harmony In order to live a normal and happy life for the “kidneys” as well.

We have two kidneys. They are located at the back of the house, around the waist. After we eat food, snacks, or drink water, the body stores good and useful things. Excess or unwanted material is excreted through the kidneys as urine.

Urine contains many substances that the body does not need. Including mineral salts, acids and alkalis to adjust balance.
But whenever the body begins to show symptoms like never before, such as swelling in the face, arms, and legs, fatigue, high blood pressure, loss of appetite, paleness, tiredness, and abnormally colored urine. It shows that the kidneys are not starting to work properly. But some people have no symptoms. Because the body can adapt very well.

For this summer People with normal kidneys may not have any special precautions. Besides trying to avoid sunlight. Because it will cause you to sweat more than in other seasons. Especially if you like to eat spicy food, you should drink enough water.

Because the human body can eliminate waste. Relies on water as a carrier for kidney filtration to become urine. Therefore, you should drink about 2 liters of water per day to allow your body to excrete it. Carry waste out fully through urine. The body will tell you what it needs by how thirsty it is. Just drinking water to compensate for lost sweat can help keep the body in balance.

But for people with kidney disease In the hot season, special attention should be paid to health care. And you can do it easily, just…

1. Kidney disease patients mild to moderate type

That is, blood pressure is not very high. No swelling of arms and legs Urine output exceeds 1 liter per day. Can drink water normally. You should drink enough water, 1.5 to 2 liters per day, or as recommended by your doctor. so that the excretion of waste will be possible as usual

2. Patients with end-stage kidney disease (currently undergoing dialysis treatment) /has already undergone artificial kidney surgery)

You should drink a moderate amount of water each time you are thirsty, but it should not exceed half a liter/day. Because the body rarely sweats and urinates little. Therefore, care should be taken to keep the weight constant. Not too much to the point of causing complications such as flooding of the lungs, etc.

3. Patients with kidney disease who have high blood pressure
You should not walk or stand in the sun for too long. Because it will cause changes in blood pressure levels that may be too high. or too low Until fainting or having an accident

And what about eating…..

“Kidney patients that kidney function is normal” can eat food that is not too salty and fruit in sufficient quantity Just be careful about the rapid increase in weight.

As for the case of “kidney patients In some stages, the functioning has deteriorated moderately or greatly. It is necessary to avoid foods such as meat, beans, and dark drinks. Fruits that will cause the accumulation of potassium such as mango, durian, lychee, jackfruit, longan, rambutan, potassium. This will have a harmful effect on kidney disease patients. Because it will cause the heart to beat irregularly. and stop dancing immediately

The type of drinking water must be given importance.

In the summer, drinking water containing mineral salts is often promoted. To relieve thirst and fatigue, but also for people with kidney disease Drinking mineral water is a very important prohibition. This is because kidney disease patients already have a lot of certain minerals accumulated. This causes the mineral salts that have been ingested to reach a high level that is life-threatening.

Drinking fruit juice or herbal water It’s the same. You should consult your doctor about whether you can drink it or not. In what quantity? Because patients with kidney disease at each stage There will be different restrictions, and most importantly, the mineral water available is limited for people with kidney disease. Therefore, you must consult a doctor before buying and drinking. Otherwise, penalties may occur.

When the patient consumes the correct food appropriate to the condition of the body. It will help keep the body healthy. Importantly, it helps to prolong life.

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