[Review] Luan Shi Hao Qing (2013)

Luan Shi Hao Qing
Title: 乱世豪情 / luan shi hao qing / Luan Shi Hao Qing / Troubled times pride
Genre: Period, drama
Broadcast period: 2013-Apr-08
Network: Jiangsu Channel
Director: Dong Zhi Qiang
Screenwriter: Zhou Yong


Hu Hai Feng, Zheng Wei, Che Xiao, Jiang Yi Yi, Liu Wei Wei, Sun Xi as Xie Zhi Yan


In Shanghai in the 1920s, the loyal and honest driver Xie Yong (played by Li Naiwen) provoked a murder for no reason, resulting in the tragic death of both husband and wife, and the three orphans were separated and scattered. And the three separated brothers and sisters of the Xie family have started different paths in life since then.

Eight years later, the murderer Zhang Shen (played by Zong Ping) has become a prominent figure in the Shanghai business community. The brothers and sisters of the Xie family have also grown up and changed their names, and they are all trying to find each other they lost. And Xie Zhifei (played by Hu Haifeng) and Shen Haiping (played by Che Xiao) have also reached the stage of discussing marriage.

Xie Zhifei recognized Zhang Shen as the enemy of the Xie family through the clues left by Xie Zhinian (played by Tian Yu). Just when Xie Zhifei and Shen Haiping were about to become husband and wife, the fourth concubine revealed that Shen Haiping was Zhang Shen’s biological daughter. For this reason, Xie Zhifei fell into deep-seated contradictions and pains. At this time, Xie Zhifei got a chance to get rid of Zhang Shen by chance. But in the end, Xie Zhifei’s kind nature and affection for Shen Haiping prevailed in Xie Zhifei’s heart. Xie Zhifei’s momentary hesitation caused him to miss the opportunity for revenge. However, Xie Zhifei’s flaws were quickly caught by Zhang Shen. Zhang Shen checked Xie Zhifei to the end and found that he was a descendant of Xie’s family.

Zhang Shen put Xie Zhifei in prison. However, Xie Zhifei met a strange man in the prison, and escaped from prison by all means. Since then, he has been tossed around the rivers and lakes, and after some adventures, he started from scratch and gradually accumulated wealth. When Xie Zhifei set foot on the beach again, he was already the owner of a spinning mill on an equal footing with Zhang Shen. At this time, Zhang Shen took refuge in the Japanese and became a public enemy in Shanghai.

With Xie Zhifei’s unremitting efforts, his spinning mill has finally changed from a small workshop with imperfect machinery and equipment to the only spinning mill in Shanghai that can compete with Zhang Shen. Xie Zhifei worked and struggled with the workers, sought benefits for the workers, and made great contributions to the improvement of the social status of the workers. And with the full assistance of Xu Feng (actually the Communist Party), the manager of the spinning mill, he served as the chairman of the Shanghai Factory Relocation Committee, and shouldered the important task of relocating all the factories in Shanghai to the mainland. He started a life-and-death contest with Zhang Shen, who wanted to prevent the emigration.

At this time, Xie Zhiyan, who went through all kinds of hardships to find her brother, has become a famous actress in Shanghai. After several trials and tribulations, Xie Zhinian and Xie Zhiyan (played by Sun Xi) finally recognized each other with the token left by their parents. Facing his younger sister, Xie Zhinian lamented that his life path is going downward, and he hopes that his younger sister and the younger brother who has not been found will go upward and walk towards a bright road of life. Xie Zhiyan hinted that Xie Zhinian is already a member of the organization and is contributing his own strength to the future of New China. This pleased the self-ashamed Xie Zhinian.

Soon, Xie Zhinian saw the token from Xie Zhifei on Shen Haiping again. The three amulets left by parents finally got together. However, at this time, Xie Zhinian knew that all these years, he wanted to avenge his father, mother, and siblings. For this reason, he lurked beside Zhang Shen, and he had gone too far astray. It’s that day. In the end, he tried his best to fight to the death with Shanghai’s public enemy Zhang Shen. In order to protect Xie Zhifei, he unfortunately died under Zhang Shen’s gun.

The dead Xie Zhinian left a large amount of funds and valuable materials for the party organization represented by Xie Zhifei and Xie Zhiyan to get rid of the traitor Zhang Shen. Xie Zhifei, who lost his family again, recovered from his depression under Xie Zhiyan’s influence and encouragement, and gave Zhang Shen a heavy blow. At this time, Xie Zhifei also learned about Xu Feng’s true identity. He was sent by the party organization to help the spinning mill. Under the guidance of Xu Feng and his sister, Xie Zhifei embarked on a completely different life path from Xie Zhinian.

Zhang Shen, who was out of justice and helpless, could not resist the general situation after all, and was completely defeated by Xie Zhifei, who was dedicated to punishing evil and promoting good, and the people who supported justice. However, in the face of national crisis, personal grievances are no longer the most important to Xie Zhifei brothers and sisters at this moment. The two brothers and sisters rallied the power of justice and began a desperate contest with the larger evil force behind Zhang Shen-the Japanese invaders.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Xie Zhifei donated all the assets and industries under his name to New China and became a patriotic democrat. And Xie Zhiyan shouldered the new task of building a new China. The two brothers and sisters, who were about to start a new life, came to Xie Zhinian’s tomb to comfort their elder brother’s spirit in heaven


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