[Review] Gossip About Mothers (2013)

Ma Ma Quan De Liu Yan Fei Yu
Title: 妈妈圈的流言蜚语 / Ma Ma Quan De Liu Yan Fei Yu / Gossip About Mothers
Genre: Metropolitan, drama
Episodes: 35
Broadcast network: Suzhou Funa Culture
Broadcast period: March 27, 2013
Director: Fan Xiaotian
Screenwriter: Zhang Tan


Liu Bei, Vivian Wu, Kong Lin, Wang Yi Nan, Niu Qing Feng , Dong Xian, Jiang Bing, Pan Bin Long, Zhang Ming Jian


Xiangfu is a housewife with a beautiful face and elegant temperament; everyone admires her. Her husband had serious violent tendencies after cheating. After learning from the pain in the future, they took their son Sculls away from the sad place and moved to a new home. The mother and son started a new life with good hopes, and also ushered in the critical moment of Sculls’ junior promotion.

As the sculls transferred to the new school—Experimental Primary School, Xiang Future got to know four young mothers with different personalities and backgrounds, and was warmly invited by them to join the circle of mothers. However, the circle of mothers is not peaceful, and a series of incidents have caused all mothers to be overwhelmed: “A recommended place appeared when the primary school was promoted to junior high school”, “the locker room incident”, “brother and fake husband” and other things, let Xiang Future It’s miserable; the privacy of the past has been repeatedly excavated and magnified, and she is constantly being maliciously slandered by gossip; Tian Lijuan, the “mother who shows off her wealth”, loves to gossip, and fuels the fire for the gossip mother Quanping, “Emerald Earrings”.

The “love letter” and other incidents exposed the private life of her rich wife, and her self-satisfied and superior personality was repeatedly alienated by her husband’s success, and her marriage was at stake; Pan Zhihua, a rural mother with a simple and optimistic spirit, took her daughter away from home and lived in the city. She worked hard and was accused of bigamy for no reason; the “perfect mother” Xia Aiwu is a teacher, a serious and responsible person who is strict with herself, and she is even more demanding of perfection for her husband and son. A series of accidents caused the truth to be buried again and again, and the true feelings and kindness were repeatedly misunderstood. Mothers spread rumors and gossips to each other, hurting others and scarring their own families and children.

In order to protect the child, to seek self, to find the hope of a new life, and to look forward to the future helplessly, with kindness and courage, she started a tug-of-war with the mothers who made rumors, until after accidents caused by rumors again and again, gradually Strong Xiang Future discovers that Leng Jia, a “passionate mother” hidden in the mother circle, is actually a “scheming mother”. It turned out that Leng Jia’s entanglement with her future ex-husband caused psychological distortions.

She used the rumors in her mother’s circle to hype up such things as “recommendation places for elementary school promotion to junior high school”, “locker room incident”, “brother’s fake husband” and so on. A series of incidents, revenge to the future, also drew the other innocent mothers into the vicious circle of gossip.

After the official confrontation with Leng Jia in the future, she dared to face Leng Jia’s revenge again and again. She firmly believed that the truth, goodness and beauty can end the gossip: she bravely confessed her past to the mother circle and stopped the spread of gossip; she used her own The deep maternal love and unyielding attitude protected Scull and allowed him to grow up healthily; her willingness to help others gained Pan Zhihua’s friendship, helped her start a business, and took root in the city; Xin resolved the conflict between Xia Aiwu and his wife, and her actions convinced her to return to Tian Lijuan with reason; she even melted Leng Jia’s resentment with her sincerity and tolerance. At the end, Leng Jia is determined to start over.

With continuous efforts and persistence towards the future, she finally defeated herself and the gossip in the mother circle. She won respect and trust for herself, and grew from a “violent mother” to the most “kind mother”. Kindness and tolerance affect the friendship of mothers; they dare to face the reality, and finally lead the mothers to let go of attachment, arrogance, greed, hatred, obsession, and get out of the vicious circle of gossip, and the children in the mother circle are all smooth Primary school promoted to junior high school, and opened up a new sky of their own


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