Pork Bounce Recipe. Delicious quickly in 3 minutes.

How does a bouncy pig do it? Giving away pork bounce recipe Let’s try it. It only takes 3 minutes. Ingredients are easy to find in the kitchen. and can be used to make a variety of other menus as well.

Easy recipe, soft pork, delicious, perfect in 3 minutes. Easy to cook. It sells well. Can be used to make suki, shabu, bouncy pork dumplings. Pork Bounce Noodles Clear Soup with Bouncy Pork Green curry with bouncy pork, bouncy pork porridge, and many delicious dishes. Today, we comes to share a recipe for making bouncy pork. Easy and delicious. Everyone can make it easily at home.


  • 500 g minced pork
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • Seasoning sauce (green cap) 1 tbsp.
  • Oyster oil 1 tablespoon
  • 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon tapioca starch or cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 egg
  • ground pepper

How to make:

  • Bring all the ingredients to cook with minced pork
  • Blend for about 1 minute or mix until smooth.
  • Easy storage methods to eat for a month Divide into bags according to the amount used and put in the freezer. When cooking, just take it out to thaw.
  • It’s over for how to make pork bounce. Catch and make a lot of delicious pork dishes, such as fried pork bounce, fried pork bounce with garlic. Fried Pork Bounce Boiled Pork Bounce Rice Or green curry with pork bounce is delicious.

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