Tofu with Preserved Egg

Health Benefits

Sugar: promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis
Pepper: nourishing blood, protecting teeth, and protecting bones


  • preserved egg 2
  • silken tofu100 g
  • sesame oil half tablespoon
  • white sugar half teaspoon
  • Salta little
  • soy sauce1 tablespoon
  • balsamic vinegar half tablespoon
  • pepper little
  • Chili oil half tablespoon
  • millet pepper 3
  • garlic4 petals
  • onion1

The practice of preserved egg mixed with tofu

  1. Add a little salt to the boiling water, and soak the soft tofu for 5 to 10 minutes.
  2. Wash millet pepper, garlic and green onion, and preserved egg.
  3. Cut the millet pepper into knots, dice the garlic, chop the green onion, and cut the preserved egg into cubes. (I’m sorry that the preserved eggs are a bit ugly this time).
  4. Take out the soft tofu and drain the water, cut into small pieces.
  5. .Add soft tofu as shown in the picture, and put preserved eggs on top.
  6. Take a clean bowl, add garlic, millet pepper, sesame oil, light soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sugar, pepper, salt, chili oil and mix thoroughly.
  7. Drizzle over tofu and preserved eggs, and sprinkle with chopped green onions.
  8. Mix well and eat, here is a cover picture.


  1. If you eat less spicy food, you can omit chili oil or millet pepper.
  2. Preserved eggs can be cut into shapes you like.

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