Korean Cold Noodles

Korean cold noodles, which is one of the traditional dishes of the Korean nation. According to the historical material of Seishi Customs in the late Joseon Dynasty of the Lee family, “Donggu Seishiji”, cold noodles originated in the Pyongyang and Hamhung areas of the Joseon Kingdom in the mid-19th century. Therefore, cold noodles are divided into Pyongyang cold noodles and Hamhung cold noodles. The most notable difference between Pyongyang cold noodles and Hamhung cold noodles: Pyongyang cold noodles are “water cold noodles” eaten with soup, while Hamhung cold noodles are “mixed cold noodles” seasoned with chili sauce.


The official name of Korean cold noodles is North Korean cold noodles, which is one of the traditional dishes of the Korean nation. According to the historical material “Dongguo Shishiji” in the later period of the Joseon Dynasty of the Lee family, cold noodles originated in the Pyongyang and Hamhung areas of North Korea in the mid-19th century. Therefore, cold noodles are divided into Pyongyang cold noodles and Hamhung cold noodles. The most notable difference between Pyongyang cold noodles and Hamhung cold noodles: Pyongyang cold noodles are “water cold noodles” eaten with soup, while Hamhung cold noodles are “mixed cold noodles” seasoned with chili sauce.

Cooking Materials

In addition, from the perspective of materials, Pyongyang cold noodles are mainly made of buckwheat noodles or wheat noodles, potato starch and water, mixed well, and pressed into round noodles. Pyongyang cold noodles are thicker and more elastic than Hamheung cold noodles due to the high content of buckwheat. The practice of Pyongyang cold noodles is to boil the pressed round noodles and soak them in cold water, then add the cold water with beef slices, peppers, eggs, kimchi, pear or apple slices, sauce vinegar, sesame oil and other condiments, and add stewed beef bones. Serve with soup or submerged radish kimchi soup. The taste is about sweet and sour, cool and refreshing, smooth and soothing.

The content of sweet potato powder and potato starch in the noodles of Xianxing cold noodles is relatively high, mainly because Xianxing is located on a plateau and mainly produces miscellaneous grains. In addition, Xianxing is a coastal city with abundant seafood, so a lot of seafood ingredients are added to the seasoning of cold noodles, especially the cold noodles are covered with seafood, which is the main feature. The taste is exquisite: the more you eat, the spicier you are, the spicier you like to eat until it is refreshing, refreshing, and the aftertaste is long, giving people a mellow enjoyment.

How to eat:

Korean cold noodles are also particular about how to eat: cold noodles used to be eaten in winter, because the main ingredients for cold noodles are buckwheat, sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc. are harvested in autumn. Cold noodles have become a summer food. Therefore, mustard must be added when eating Korean cold noodles. The reason is that the main ingredient of cold noodles is buckwheat, which is a food with cold stomach, and the soup is also cold, which is easy to cause stomach cold. Therefore, adding wasabi is to warm the body of the eater.

There are also North Korean cold noodles with eggs, so should you eat eggs first and noodles first? The conclusion is to eat eggs first, because the yolk of eggs has the effect of protecting the gastric mucosa and preventing the damage to the stomach caused by too cold food.

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