How to eat Lei Cha

Leicha, also known as Sansheng Tang, is a special snack of the Hakka people. Lei Cha has been passed down for many years. It has the effect of relieving summer heat, clearing away heat and detoxifying. Lei Cha should be eaten with boiled water.

The temperature of the boiled water for Lei Cha is very particular, neither too high nor too low. If the water temperature is too high, the protein in the mixture will coagulate too quickly, and the brewed Lei Cha will be bland and not milky; “Generally, the water temperature is controlled at around 90 degrees Celsius, so that the brewed Lei Cha can ‘blend with water and milk’.

After entering the table, put a small bowl in front of each person, and put a ball of “foot” in the bowl. After the “foot” is transferred into the bowl, pour a bowl of boiled water with a simmering pot. The pot should be raised high, and the water should be flushed quickly, so that the water will swirl in the bowl, so that the “feet” will naturally flush evenly in the swirl.

The pot stopped running, and with the heat coming out of the bowl, a unique aroma wafted out. The Lei Cha brewed in this way is called “Qingshui Lei Cha” by the locals.

There is also a kind of “pasty Leicha”, which is to dissolve rice noodles in cold water, boil them in an iron pot over a slow fire to make a paste, then add “foot”, mix well and cook for a while.

Lei Cha is actually a kind of drink. Because the “foot” is made by beating, it is named Lei Cha. Later, people put sesame seeds and salt into Lei Cha to enhance its color, aroma and taste.

While drinking Lei Cha, there are usually many small plates of food on the table, such as fried soybeans, peanuts, glutinous rice cakes, etc. These are collectively called “pressing the table”. The more food on the table, the more polite the host is.

How to eat Lei Cha

1. Eating clear tea: After taking a seat, put a small bowl in front of each person, and put a ball of “foot” in the bowl. After the “foot” is transferred into the bowl, pour a bowl of boiled water with a simmering pot. The pot should be raised high, and the water should be flushed quickly, so that the water will swirl in the bowl, so that the “feet” will naturally flush evenly in the swirl. The pot stopped running, and with the heat coming out of the bowl, a unique aroma wafted out. The Lei Cha brewed in this way is called “Clear Water Lei Cha” by the locals. If you are tired from work and sweat a lot, drinking hot tea in this way will quench your thirst immediately and make you feel better physically and mentally.

2. Add ingredients to eat tea: first put the rice incense or rice pan into a medium-sized bowl about 1/3, then scoop the tea soup into the bowl and add it to 70% full, then add the peeled cooked peanuts, and then add various fried vegetables , Stir-fried beans and other side dishes can be eaten, and it is amazing to eat it. It is a delicacy in the world.

3. Lei Cha Bibimbap: Take half a bowl of rice, add various vegetables and ingredients, and then use a spoon to mix the tea soup and eat it, so that you can eat well and eat well.

Precautions for drinking Lei Cha

1. In Leicha, you should choose non-fried, unseasoned nuts, and follow the recommendations of the dietary guidelines for Chinese people. The daily intake of nuts and seeds should be controlled at about 1 serving, which is equivalent to 1 disposable tablespoon, or 8 Servings of up to 10 grams, the more variety the better. Pay attention to the preservation of ingredients, especially peanuts are easily contaminated by aflatoxin and should be stored in a cool and dry place.

2. Lei Cha Green tea powder contains caffeine, which can stimulate the central nervous system. It is not recommended to eat it after 4 p.m., so as not to affect sleep at night. Lei Cha is best eaten in the morning as it can provide vitality; it can be eaten as a snack or on an empty stomach, but it should not be taken as a main meal to avoid insufficient or unbalanced intake of protein and dietary fiber.

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