Gac Benefit

Gac Benefit

English: Gut Baby jackfruit, Cochinchin gourd, Spiny bitter gourd, Sweet gourd

Scientific name: Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng. Is in the Cucurbitaceae family.

There are other local names that are Ma Khao (Phrae), Khi Khruea (Pattani), Phuduktha (Mae Hong Son), Phak Khao (Tak Northern) etc.

The benefit of Gac:

  1. Soft fruit and young leaves can help reduce blood sugar in diabetic patients (young fruit, top gac)
  2. Helps to nourish the lungs, help to cure lung abscess (seed)
  3. Gac leaves have a bitter, cold taste. Has properties to help cure fever. (Leaf)
  4. Root helps neutralize fever (Root)
  5. Help expel phlegm (roots).
  6. Helps to clog the bile ducts (seeds).
  7. Diuretic (seed) help
  8. Hemorrhoids leaves (leaves)
  9. The leaves can be used to mask the back pain (leaves).
  10. Helps to break the bones (leaves)
  11. Helps to cure the knee. Joint pain (root)
  12. The seeds are grinned to dry. Mix a little oil or vinegar. Apply to the affected area.
  13. Inflammation and swelling will help treat the symptoms. And also helps to treat eczema, chloasma, various skin rashes, bruises as well (old seeds)
  14. The boiled root helps to neutralize all (roots).
  15. Leaves help neutralize inflammation (leaves).
  16. Helps to cure poison. Abscess (leaf)
  17. Helps to correct lather (leaf)
  18. Gac, properties, help to cure warts (leaves)
  19. Gac kernels can be used instead of heartbreaking seeds (Kroon).
  20. High in antioxidants Helps to strengthen the immune system.
  21. Helps to slow down aging. Prevent the occurrence of wrinkles Dry skin problems Helps protect skin from sunlight
  22. Gac goblet contains 10 times more carotene than carrots and 12 times more lycopene than tomatoes!
  23. The benefits of Gac help maintain and maintain eyesight. Prevent eye diseases, cataract, optic nerve degeneration. Night blindness (seed pulp)
  24. Helps to prevent heart disease. Coronary artery Ischemic heart disease
  25. Helps to prevent and help prevent the occurrence of blood clots in the veins.
  26. Helps prevent stroke in the brain. Which is the cause of paralysis paralysis
  27. Research from Mahidol University found that Gac Gao has a protein that inhibits the growth of AIDS (HIV) and also inhibits cancer cells as well. Which has already registered a patent in Thailand
  28. The benefits of Gac Gaj on pharmacological action Gac Gao has anti-viral effect, helps to inhibit blood sugar levels. And inhibiting protein synthesis
  29. Helps to prevent and reduce the risk of stomach cancer and lung cancer.
  30. Research from the University of Hanoi found that The oil from the seed coat of Gac Gaj is effective in treating liver cancer.
  31. Helps to prevent and reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
  32. Helps to expectorate Use gargle to help reduce sore throat or inflammation in the throat.
  33. Gac Gaj is suitable for patients who are in recovery period or those who have health problems. Have medical conditions or physical weakness
  34. Gac root, soaked in shampoo Helps to make hair darker Solve hair loss problems
  35. The scalp itching, dandruff and helps kill lice as well (root).
  36. Faculty of Pharmacy Chiang Mai University and Faculty of Science Payap University
  37. Have conducted a joint study on the development of the seed oil of Gac Fruit to develop a cosmetic formula to reduce wrinkles Which yields satisfactory results and received the “IFSCC Host Society Award 2011” from the International Cosmetic Chemists’ Conference
  38. Gac fruit is used to make a variety of menus. Whether boiled or steamed, dipped in chili paste Or put in different curries such as Mullaman curry, rice etc.
  39. The top of the Gacca is used to make delicious food. (The smell is similar to the top or bitter melon). Gacca dishes such as Kaeng Liang Kaeng, hot and sour soup, boiled or boiled with boiled sauce, etc.
  40. Gac can be processed into many products, such as Gac Gac water, Gac Gac capsules, etc.

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