Fish Porridge Recipe

Breakfast is an important meal to start the day and must have a healthy breakfast. When in the morning some days are very hasty and have only a little time for breakfast. Therefore, today we have a simple menu suitable for a quick breakfast on “Fish Porridge” that ensures the recipe and easy to make anyone can do it in a short time.


  • Steamed rice, 2 ladle
  • 500 grams red snapper
  • 4 shiitake mushrooms
  • 1 galangal, sliced ​​galangal
  • Coriander root, 2 roots
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon pepper
  • Pork bone soup 1 liter
  • Celery, cut in pieces For sprinkling
  • Onion, chopped spring onion
  • Fried Garlic For sprinkling


  1. Boil – Set the pot on the stove Add pork bone soup, galangal, sliced ​​glasses and coriander roots to boil, then boil with red snapper and shiitake mushrooms. When the fish is cooked, season with soy sauce and ground pepper
  2. Spoon the broth and boiled fish. Poured over steamed rice Garnish with celery, spring onions, and fried garlic.

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