Classification of Shanwei Lei Cha

Shanwei Leicha is divided into oil tea and salted tea.

The ingredients of Shanwei Leicha are usually relatively few, just put some fine tea leaves (in some areas, tea leaves can also be used), peanuts and sesame seeds (which can be fried or raw), and the same taste is still authentic. In addition, there are some Mi Cheng, Mi Ding, fried rice or fried wheat specially prepared for Lei Cha. These rice and wheat can be brewed in tea (if you like, you can also stir-fry some vegetables for tea, such as beans, red beans, etc.) Beans, kale, lettuce, peas, green vegetables, etc.), this flavor is unmatched anywhere. The way of eating Lei Cha is different, and it is divided into: Jingcha, Ping (locally pronounced sap, which means boiled) tea, rice bone tea, rice tea, tea and rice, etc.


Shanwei salted tea has a sweet and mellow taste. It not only has the fragrance of tea, the sweetness of mint, but also has the crispness of fried rice, the crispness of peanuts, and the fragrance of sesame. Therefore, it has the effects of invigorating the spleen and stomach, and prolonging life. One of the most exquisite is the production of fried rice. Every year after autumn, women are busy harvesting, and what they are most passionate about and concerned about is to select high-quality oil tip or red rice paddy. After soaking, steaming, drying, shelling, frying and other processes, the paddy is made into white fried rice.

The main ingredients of salty tea are tea leaves, salt, fried rice, sesame seeds, and peanuts.

Shanwei Lei Cha mainly uses tea, sesame, and peanuts, which are commonly used in daily life by ordinary people. In addition to these main raw materials, other auxiliary materials are often added according to the season and function. Such as herbal tea: in addition to tea, sesame, peanuts, etc. as the main raw materials, mugwort leaves and mint are used for hot and humid spring and summer; honeysuckle or white chrysanthemum is used for dry autumn; To sober up, add kudzu root flower; to prevent heatstroke, add houttuynia cordata, pineapple, tangerine peel; to clear heat, add white spoon, licorice, etc.

According to “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica”: “Taking sesame seeds can help the five internal organs, benefit energy, grow muscles, and fill the brain.” Studies have shown that sesame is sweet and flat, has the effects of moistening the intestines and laxatives, nourishing the middle and replenishing qi, helping the long muscle of the spleen to communicate with the blood vessels, and beautifying and beautifying the skin. Tea can refresh the mind and mind, and eliminate stagnation and digestion. It can be seen that Lei Cha is not only fragrant and delicious, but also has endless aftertaste, and has health, beauty and anti-aging effects.

It is said that the longevity of women in Shanwei area is related to the frequent consumption of this kind of Leicha rich in multivitamins. There is a folk song that joked: “How about a girl in the village (that is, a daughter-in-law) who is fat (obese), and has tea before going out to work, and after drinking tea, she will come to Longcheshui, and she will (just) fall into the field and compare her legs… “.


The other is made of wild vegetables and green herbs and is called “camellia oleifera”, also known as “raw tea”. The main materials used are fresh mugwort leaves, mint leaves, raw tea leaves, maple shoots, perilla leaves, fanxiang, fennel, chicken foot thorns, rose buds, coriander, etc. Lei Cha has the effects of promoting body fluid and quenching thirst, preventing wind and dispelling cold, appetizing and invigorating spleen, clearing heat and detoxifying, and prolonging life. In 2011, it was selected into the list of intangible cultural heritage protection in Guangdong Province.

In the past, the Shanwei area was economically backward and suffered from food shortages for many years. In order to solve the problem of eating three meals a day and save food, people in Shanwei usually brew tea first, then stir-fry large bowls of green vegetables, and stew rice with salt to make dry rice, which is mixed with tea and vegetables. big bowl. Or cut sweet potatoes and taro into large slices and roast them on the wall of the rice pot, and you can have a full meal with some thin rice tea.

Lei Cha has simple ingredients and is easy to make. It can satisfy both hunger and thirst; it does not lose the taste of tea ceremony and is not troubled by the economy, so it can be passed down in Shanwei area for a long time.

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