
Bibimbap“, also known as “Korean bibimbap”, “Stone bowl bibimbap”, Korean: 돌솥비빔밥, is a rice dish unique to the Korean Peninsula and Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning in Northeast China. It originated in Jeollabuk-do, South Korea, and later evolved into a representative food of the Korean peninsula. It is one of the three famous dishes on the Korean Peninsula (Pyongyang cold noodles, Kaesong soup rice, and Jeonju bibimbap).

The bibimbap in Jeonju, South Korea, is famous far and wide. The bibimbap contains the principle of “five elements, five internal organs and five colors”. Put rice and dishes in the stone pot, and then bake it until there is a layer of rice at the bottom of the pot, which is fragrant and attractive. The stone pot is made of pottery. The thick black pottery pot can be directly cooked on the stove, and the heat preservation effect is good . Those who chew slowly can enjoy it with peace of mind, without fear of the food becoming cold. The ingredients for bibimbap are not new or special. They are mainly rice, meat, eggs, as well as soybean sprouts, mushrooms and various wild vegetables. That’s it.


Stone pot bibimbap first appeared in the book “Shi Yi Quan Shu” during the Joseon Dynasty, with the names of “gudong rice” and “midong rice”, and there are detailed cooking methods, and the same thing as the current stone pot.

Factions of bibimbap: bibimbap is most famous for “Jeonju bibimbap” and “Jinju bibimbap”. Jeonju bibimbap uses Chunchang glutinous rice chili paste from Jeolla-do, which is of high quality. Jeonju bibimbap in the mid-1980s was cooked in a broth of chicken or beef tenderloin. The rice should be cooked slightly hard to taste good. Brass utensils for cutlery.

In Gyeongsang-do, there is also Jinju bibimbap. Jinju bibimbap is when the whole family and relatives gather in the clan to worship their ancestors and put the mountain vegetables as sacrifices in a large bowl. After mixing, they are divided into small bowls for everyone to eat. Jinju bibimbap features seafood (clam) soup. The materials are mung bean sprouts, boxing vegetables, mountain vegetables, bellflower, carpaccio, chili sauce, sesame salt, sesame oil, jelly, etc.

Jinju bibimbap is not cooked with broth, but served with broth. Authentic Jeonju bibimbap has a lot of ingredients, including soybean sprouts, jelly, chili sauce, carpaccio, sesame oil, eggs (raw), sesame salt, garlic, black pepper powder, spinach, platycodon, fenugreek, pine mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, mung bean sprouts, radish, kelp, small pumpkin, cucumber, celery, carrot, onion, chrysanthemum, lettuce, leek, walnut, pine nuts, ginkgo, chestnut, seaweed, etc.


Bibimbap, also known as bibimbap, is a rice dish unique to Korea, a representative food of Korea, and has a high popularity among customers in Asia.

The stone pot is made of pottery. The thick black pottery pot can be cooked directly on the stove, and the heat preservation effect is good. Those who chew slowly can enjoy it with peace of mind, without fear of the food being cold. The ingredients for bibimbap are nothing special, mainly rice, meat, eggs, as well as soybean sprouts, mushrooms and various wild vegetables. There are no certain types of dishes, just use the most delicious seasonal vegetables in the season to deploy.

The cooking method is not difficult but there are two different ways of doing it. One is to put all the ingredients into the stone pot and put them beautifully, and then bake the stone pot on the stove until there is a thin layer of crockpot at the bottom of the pot. After grilling until piping hot, add rice and dishes.


The advantages of bibimbap include: rich in nutrients, low in calories, and many varieties of vegetables. It conforms to the worldwide trend of eating vegetables and losing weight, and has high nutritional value.

Bibimbap contains the principle of “five elements, five internal organs and five colors”. Spinach, celery, small pumpkin, cucumber, ginkgo and other five elements belong to wood, which is beneficial to the liver. The five elements of carpaccio, chili sauce and carrot belong to fire and are good for the heart. The five elements of yellow food such as jelly, egg yolk, walnut, and pine nuts belong to the earth, which is beneficial to the spleen. Radish, soybean sprouts, chestnuts, and protein are white foods, and the five elements are metal, which is beneficial to the lungs. Finally, the five elements, such as platycodon, kelp, and shiitake mushrooms, belong to water, and these black foods are beneficial to the kidneys.

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