Benefits of Japanese Rice

The Japanese rice we eat is generally short-grain, white, a little sweet. It has a little bit of stickiness. It can be easily eaten with chopsticks. Most often it is Koshihikari rice, where the bran part or husk is treated. Which is commonly eaten in Japan and is also used to make sushi. Various rice balls Additionally, brown rice may not be as tasty or delicious as white rice, but it is gradually gaining in popularity because it is richer in fiber and more nutrients. Causing people who care about their health to eat this type of rice a lot And sticky rice, which will be used to make mochi or rice cakes. They are shorter and tougher grains than white rice.

Japanese rice is not just useful for eating only. But it can also be made into a cooking product, such as sake or white wine from rice fermentation. Mirin or Japanese sweet sake Japanese rice vinegar A flour that is used as a substitute for wheat flour in making Japanese sweets. It is usually made from finely ground rice, etc.

Japanese rice is rich in many nutritious nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, sodium, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. The part that is the source of important substances in Japanese rice are Japanese rice germ, which contains “Gaba – gamma aminobutyric acid)” that has powerful brain-nourishing properties. Including the current development of Japanese rice varieties with various nutrients. In larger quantities for the benefit of better prevention of disease as well.

6 properties of Japanese rice Useful in the treatment of disease

  1. In Japanese rice germ, there is a very high content of GABA. Which has properties that help restore brain function Maintain balance and slow down the deterioration of the brain. Reduce tension Make sleep more comfortable
  2. Japanese rice has properties that help nourish the nerves. In medical practice, GABA is used to treat neuropathy such as insomnia. Or reduce anxiety In addition, research reports have shown that GABA in Japanese rice germ has properties to help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
  3. Japanese rice has properties that can help reduce the accumulation of fat in the body as well.
  4. Japanese rice has properties to prevent allergies. Japan is developing a strain of Japanese rice that is resistant to insect and weed infestation. The important thing is that the rice has higher amounts of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. And to help prevent allergies, a disease that the Japanese are very common.
  5. The benefits of Japanese rice to help care for the skin. Japanese rice extract has been found to be high in antioxidants. Which is useful for helping to take care of your skin Can resist inflammation of the skin Prevent UV rays, which will cause aging wrinkles. Contains vitamins and natural fats that moisturize the skin. Reduce irritation of the skin. Make the skin firm
  6. Japanese rice is a source of many important nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Which will help maintain good health And strengthen the body and mind Resulting in being able to perform various activities Effectively Especially activities that require thought and decision making
  7. “Japanese rice is ” comparable to such food as medicine. Because it has both properties and many benefits to the health of the body Especially in hard-working people who have to use a lot of their brain to think critically Deserves to have to eat often Because the substance GABA in Japanese rice germ has the properties of brain nourishing This will reduce the tension. Make you feel relaxed And restore the brain to come back ready to continue working As well as contains both vitamins and minerals that the body needs many types Makes the body complete and healthy as well

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