You can’t eat lychees with anything. How to reduce the fire?

Lychees cannot be eaten with anything

There are generally no special foods.

Lychee is a very common fruit in life. The ingredients contained in it are not incompatible with most foods, and they will not produce toxic substances when eaten together. Therefore, there is generally no food that is compatible with each other.

However, lychees contain a lot of organic acids such as malic acid and citric acid. If they are eaten together with milk, the casein in milk may be precipitated, which is not conducive to gastrointestinal digestion and absorption. Therefore, it is not suitable for some gastrointestinal functions. For a very good crowd, it is recommended to avoid eating lychees with milk.

How to reduce the fire when eating lychee

It is recommended to drink more water and exercise more.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, lychees are warm fruits, and lychees contain high sugar content. If you eat too much, it may cause dry mouth, sore mouth, sore throat, etc. symptoms. If you have symptoms of getting angry after eating lychees, you need to stop eating lychees first.

Secondly, it is recommended to drink more water and exercise more to promote the body’s metabolism and speed up the discharge of food residues. Generally, it can return to normal on its own. For symptoms For more serious patients, it is recommended to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

What kind of lychee is without a seed?

Golden red seedless lychees.

Normal lychees have pits, of which the pits are large and small, but due to the improvement of modern planting technology, some lychees without pits have also been cultivated. Slag, crisp and sweet, more watery and sweeter than ordinary lychee juice.

However, seedless lychees also have certain requirements for the planting environment. Not all areas can be planted. Generally, it is more suitable for planting in the sunny and rainy Hainan area.

The taboo of eating lychees

1. People with high blood sugar: Lychees contain high sugar content, which will increase the blood sugar in the body after eating. Therefore, for some people with high blood sugar in their own bodies, it is not suitable to eat lychees when their blood sugar control is unstable. , so as not to adversely affect the health of the body.

2. People with yin deficiency and fire: From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the nature of lychee is warm, and it will increase the fire in the body after eating. Therefore, it is recommended for some people who have a lot of fire in their body and are easy to get angry. Eat or not eat, so as to avoid the symptoms of getting angry after eating.


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