Yin-Yang Food Trend of the New Generation

Let’s explore how to eat it. Have you eaten in balance with your body yet? Currently, balanced diet or eating yin – yang. It has become a trend that will help the body to reduce the condition that can cause sickness.

Food choices are essential to life. and should be practiced regularly. gave knowledge about food choices that balance the body, expressing the view that although health care today is largely dependent on innovation and technology But choosing food is something that should be done regularly.

Yin-yang eating

Sounds like it might be thought of as a Chinese way of eating. However, eating in this yin and yang manner Means to choose food to balance the body. by eating like this The Chinese have regarded it as a powerful pair of eating. And it’s eating in a way that conflicts with eating.

food in a yin-yang manner Can be considered to be present in almost every food. By choosing foods that are acidic – alkaline in the right amount for the body. Eating a balanced amount of food on both sides will help keep the body in balance. and principles to choose to eat in each category often use the body to determine

Each person’s body has a different yin and yang. If our body has too much yin It should be a type of food that is yang in order to balance the body.

“If the body receives very acidic foods such as egg yolks, cheese, sweets, white sugar, beef, pork, it will weaken the immune system and cause various diseases easily. But if the body receives alkaline foods such as green vegetables and fruits. It will make the blood weakly alkaline (PH -7) will make the balance healthy, not easy to get sick. ”

How to eat like a young office person

The urgent work of young people is one of the reasons why office workers forgetting to take care of himself especially choosing to eat at lunch that people of working age cannot choose good things for themselves like other meals The state of hustle and bustle forced young people to eat in a simple way.

Therefore, eating lunch, Mr. Charoenchit has suggested that The choice of food in this meal If you can’t avoid eating foods that are acidic. It should be eaten alongside fresh fruit juices. Or after a meal, you should choose to eat fruit along with it.

“Dinner should focus on vegetables, salads, fruit or fish, easily digestible foods. But the indispensable food is breakfast that should contain carbohydrate foods to provide energy for the body such as bread, unpolished white rice. Join in the morning, and in the morning, do not choose just one cup of coffee and go to work. Because in addition to not giving energy, it also has an acidic effect. will make you feel sleepy not energetic during work hours.”

Recharge in a yin-yang way.

In the morning, this is the time when your body needs energy to fight all day’s activities. Choosing what to eat for breakfast is important. Start by drinking warm water. In the morning at least 1-2 glasses for the body to become yang. Or choosing to recharge by eating warm food for breakfast such as porridge and porridge will help your body to be more alert.

What should be avoided in the morning is coffee, which is drinking coffee. As said from the beginning that Drinking coffee in the morning does not refresh your body. You can choose to eat soy milk, ovaltine or hot drinks. for the body to have yin May be eaten along with Patongo with a yang Keep your body balanced in the morning and ready for work and activities. all day

How does Yin-How does Yang ?

You already know how to eat yin-yang. Let’s take a look at what foods contain yin and yang. It is a food that, when eaten, makes you feel cold, salty, sour and bitter, such as bananas, oranges, pear, sugar cane, watermelon, pineapple, grapes, coconut, papaya, crab, duck, goose, oyster, including food that is cooked by boiling, steaming, stewing, etc.

Yang food Foods that are heated, have a spicy and sweet taste, such as ginger, garlic, coriander, pepper, onion, beef, chicken, papaya, black sesame, onion, including foods that have been cooked through grilling, frying, and smoked processes.

Eating large amounts of meat at each meal, including drinking soft drinks during meals. according to the tastes of the new generation will make the blood more acidic It’s easy to notice for yourself when you feel sick that’s the result of eating choices that make your blood too acidic.

Meat of choice should choose to eat fish It will help the digestive system in the body easier. Because eating beef The body takes about 4 days to digest. Pork takes 3 days to eat with brown rice. or unpolished rice It will help the body absorb more vitamins.

Therefore, choosing food to suit your physical condition. will help the body to balance Get ready to take a strong step towards the next day.


Yin and Yang disease is caused by symptoms that the body is about to tell which nutrients the body is lacking.

Yin disease – flatulence, little or rather liquid stools Pale in appearance, powerless, cold limbs, chills, light pulse, clear and abundant urine.

Yang disease – constipation, fast pulse, dry throat, sore throat, red face, red eyes, rapid breathing, hot body, easily irritable, restless, dark yellow urine.


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