Wulin Heroes (2023) Episode 7

Wulin Heroes (2023) 武林有侠气 Episode 7 Recap and Review

Episode 7: Cang Qi was rescued and left, Ye Xi was imprisoned in the prison

Cang Qi left the bedroom after a good night’s rest under Ye Xi’s care. The next day, Cang Nan and Ye Xi were having a drink in the gazebo, and the guards took Cang Qi past the gazebo. Ye Xi asked Cang Nan to let Cang Qi out of the palace. Ye Xi wanted to leave the palace, but Cang Nan held Ye Xi back and asked her to have a drink with him first. Seeing Cang Nan pouring the wine, Cang Qi thought that Cang Nan was going to harm Ye Xi, so he rushed forward to drink the wine, telling Ye Xi not to trust Cang Nan. Cang Nan poured himself a drink to prove his innocence, Cang Qi was taken away by the guards, and Ye Xi expressed that she believed in Cang Nan.

Cang Nan came to the medicine hut, kept mocking Cang Qi, and even fed him the newly refined red pill. Not long after, the eunuch rushed into the bedroom and told Ye Xi that Cang Nan was dying after eating red pills and drinking alcohol in front of the emperor, and only the magic doctor of Fenghuagu might be able to save him. Ye Xi thinks that Cang Nan’s life is of great importance, even if he is desperate, he must be treated. So Ye Xi brought Cang Nan to Fenghua Valley. Bai Yue thought that he could frighten Ye Xi away by asking impossible conditions, but Ye Xi was not afraid of difficulties and obstacles at all. After meeting Bai Yue’s conditions, he helped Cang Nan out In Maple Valley, Cang Nan swore to Ye Xi that she would obey her in the future.

In the capital city, several playboys kicked and beat Cang Qi in the street. Ye Xi couldn’t understand their behavior and knocked them down. The onlookers talked about Ye Xi being a witch, and a large group of guards rushed to surround Ye Xi.

In the medicine hut, Cang Qi fights with Cang Nan after setting fire to the hall, and wants to die with him. Ye Xi rushed into the medicine hut to rescue the two, handed Cang Nan to the eunuch, and left with the weak Cang Qi. Ye Xi told Cang Qi that King Huainan was critically ill and told him to leave immediately. Cang Qi asked Ye Xi to go with him, but Ye Xi still believed in Cang Nan, so he just broke off the dog’s tail grass and gave it to Cang Qi, wishing him a safe journey.

Cang Nan originally wanted to catch up with the two, but under the eunuch’s reminder, he decided to comfort a group of beauties who were frightened by the fire. Ye Xi returned to the palace and looked at Cang Nan disappointed. Cang Nan said that he never forgot his promise to Ye Xi. At this moment, the imperial army surrounded the two of them, claiming that the demon girl Ye Xi was captured by the emperor’s order. Ye Xi pulled out the wooden hairpin on her head and held Cang Nan hostage, and wanted to leave the palace, but she was suddenly powerless and almost fell down. Only then did Ye Xi remember the wine she drank last night, and finally realized that Cang Nan had lied to her.

In the cell, Ye Xi was woken up by the splash of water. It turned out that the emperor listened to the words of the ministers and thought that Ye Xi was a witch who had come back from the dead, and wanted to punish her. The eunuch asked about the unknown relationship between Ye Xi and Fenghuagu, and seeing that she didn’t answer, he began to torture him. After the torture, Ye Xi learned that the imperial army was about to take her to see the emperor. Ye Xi slowly opened her package. At this moment, the “Book of Materia Medica” fell to the ground. She immediately picked it up and used magic to make it disappear. Cang Nan asked Ye Xi angrily why he wanted to destroy the scriptures. Seeing that Ye Xi was still unwilling to admit it, he asked the imperial army to take Ye Xi away directly.

In the palace, there was heavy snow in the sky, and Cang Nan announced Ye Xi’s ten crimes in front of the ministers. When he finished reading, there were several thunderclaps in the sky. At this time, Bai Yue appeared holding an umbrella, walked slowly to Ye Xi who was tied up, and gave her a pill. Cang Nan told Bai Yue that the emperor wanted him to enter the palace to refine the elixir of immortality, and also said that as long as Bai Yue could refine the elixir, he could agree to any conditions. Bai Yue wanted Ye Xi to collect top-quality medicinal materials for the emperor to make alchemy. Cang Nan saw that he was willing to stay by her side, so she asked the guards to untie Ye Xi.

Outside the palace gate, the guard handed Ye Xi to Bai Yue and left immediately. After Bai Yue let Ye Xi escape, he returned to Maple Valley with himself. When Ye Xi was chatting and laughing with Bai Yue, the two ministers rushed out with a group of guards to surround them, saying that the emperor ordered Ye Xi not to leave the palace, and immediately returned to the prison to wait for his punishment. Seeing this, Ye Xi had no choice but to thank Bai Yue and let the guards escort him back to the palace.

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