Wulin Heroes (2023) Episode 6

Wulin Heroes (2023) 武林有侠气 Episode 6 Recap and Review

Episode 6: Exploration of Baiyue Cangqi Secret Road, murals show the past

In front of the fire, Bai Yue reminded Cang Qi to pay attention to his body. Cang Qi knew that he would die soon due to years of experimenting with medicine, so he just hoped that Ye Xi could remember himself as soon as possible. Bai Yue said that Ye Xi might not want to think about the past, and it might not be a blessing to start over. Cang Qi laughed at Bai Yue who didn’t understand feelings at all. Ye Xi sacrificed his life many times to save herself, and he swore that he would never let her down in his life. He reminded Bai Yue that all he had to do was to help him find the keel, and not to think about what he shouldn’t have. After Cang Qi left, Bai Yue sighed secretly, he couldn’t help but want to be tempted.

In the Liubai Pavilion, the subordinates told Chu Yao that someone once saw Bai Yue and Cang Qi walking on the road in the suburbs of Beijing, but Bai Yue’s expression was not very good. Chu Yao thought that Bai Yue was being coerced by Cang Qi, so he planned to set off immediately to help Bai Yue.

In Nanke Temple, Xiao Shan told Cang Qi that there was a secret path behind the Buddha statue, but no keel was found. Seeing that Cang Qi planned to investigate it himself, Xiao Shan told him that the former crown prince Cang Nan once lived here, but blocked it because of daily nightmares. After hearing this, Cang Qi pulled Bai Yue into the secret path together. The two were walking in the secret path, when all the candles were suddenly extinguished, Cang Qi panicked but insisted on following Bai Yue. Suddenly, Bai Yue saw the statue in the secret passage, and wanted to pull out the wooden hairpin on the wall, but was shaken aside. At this time, Ye Xi was riding the carriage, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

Bai Yue looked at the mural on the wall, it turned out that it recorded the past of Cang Nan and Ye Xi. Three years ago, Cang Nan and Ye Xi accidentally collided on the road. Cang Nan recovered and found that her cricket was eaten by a chicken in Ye Xi’s basket. Ye Xi left the chicken and candied haws to Cang Nan as compensation, and made Qing Gong leave. Cang Nan came to the coffin shop to look for Ye Xi, expressing that he fell in love with her at first sight.

Ye Xi sensed Cang Nan’s identity and was unwilling to follow him into the palace. Cang Nan still wanted to give Ye Xi the sword, but Ye Xi still refused to accept it. After Cang Nan left, Ye Xi realized that he had no weapons on him, so he used magic to turn the wooden stick beside him into a wooden hairpin engraved with the word “Xi”.

One morning, Cang Nan came to look for Ye Xi again, and wanted to invite her to enjoy the flowers. Ye Xi then said that she wanted to go to the best brothel in the whole capital. When the two came to the brothel, the storyteller was actually telling the legendary love story of Ye Xi marrying into the palace, Ye Xi was taken aback. It turned out that Cang Nan asked the storyteller to change the story of Ye Xi, the witch, into the story of Ye Xi, the chivalrous woman.

Ye Xi told Cang Nan about her memory loss and her experience after waking up, and Cang Nan said she didn’t mind at all. At this moment, the assassin wanted to assassinate Cang Nan, Ye Xi protected Cang Nan, led him to jump off the stairs, and finally escaped from the assassin’s pursuit. Cang Nan held Ye Xi’s hand after escaping, expressing that she was her lucky star.

Ye Xi agreed to enter the East Palace, but was always reminded by the eunuchs to pay attention to appearance and manners. Ye Xi regretted her plan to leave, and suddenly saw Cang Qi leaving after being abused. At night, Cang Nan gave Ye Xi a gorgeous hairpin and helped her wear it. At this time, a woman walked into the hall, ready to serve Ye Xi in a strange way. Ye Xi told her that she was only entering the palace as a guard, not Cang Nan’s sweetheart. The eunuch hurriedly took the woman away, Cang Nan walked outside the hall, pulled the eunuch aside, and asked him to send the woman in his palace to the cold palace first, and serve as usual. Ye Xi eavesdropped and learned that Cang Nan was going to beat Cang Qi again, so she mumbled Cang Qi’s name thoughtfully.

In the middle of the night, Ye Xi put on night clothes, and used a hairpin to attract the guards at the entrance of the medicine hut, knocked them unconscious and walked into the medicine hut. Seeing the weak Cang Qi, Ye Xi planned to take him out of the medicine house first. Afterwards, a group of imperial guards came to the bedroom and asked Ye Xi to hand over Cang Qi. Ye Xi stopped Cang Qi from getting up, smashed the palace door with one palm, and knocked down all the guards outside the door.

The imperial army thinks that Ye Xi is a monster, and wants to report the matter to Cang Nan. Ye Xi helped Cang Qi to rest on the bed, planning to go to the imperial pharmacy to get some antidote. Cang Qi quickly grabbed her, Ye Xi had no choice but to hug Cang Qi through the quilt, and kept comforting him.

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