Wulin Heroes (2023) Episode 5

Wulin Heroes (2023) 武林有侠气 Episode 5 Recap and Review

Episode 5: Ye Xi’s revenge is avenged, and Bai Yue Cangqi looks for the keel

In Tangjiabao, Ye Xi planned to deal with Tang Yang immediately. Tang Yang shouted that he wanted to dominate the martial arts world because Ye Xi admired his ambition at the beginning, so that Ye Xi would not kill him for the sake of old friendship. Ye Xi didn’t want to listen to Tang Yang’s sophistry anymore, so he killed Tang Yang with a sword. Before Tang Yang died, he said that Tang Huan was not a good person, and that Ye Xi would regret it. Ye Xi thought that Tang Yang wanted to provoke her relationship with Tang Huan, so she ignored it.

Tang Yang just died, and Tang Huan woke up after eating the death pill given by Bai Yue. Tang Huan was very happy to see that Tang Yang was dead, and quickly asked Ye Xi about the whereabouts of the rainstorm pear flower needle, saying that if it fell into the hands of the court, there would be endless troubles. Ye Xi had no choice but to express that she would help him, and Tang Huan was finally satisfied. Ye Xi wanted to take Tang Huan away, but Cang Qi stopped them and asked Ye Xi to stay. Ye Xi asked Cang Qi to get back the rainstorm pear blossom needle, saying that he would protect Tang Huan with his life. Ye Xi threatened with his own life, Cang Qi saw this and had to let them go.

Beside the carriage, Bai Yue bandaged the wound on Ye Xi’s neck. Ye Xi asked Bai Yue if he could treat Tang Huan. Bai Yue said that the poison on the rainstorm pear blossom needle was very strange, and he couldn’t help it. So Ye Xi planned to go to Fenghua Valley to seek help from the owner of the valley. Bai Yue reminded Ye Xi that Tang Huan was not worth her hard work for him. Ye Xi couldn’t help asking about his real relationship with Bai Yue. Bai Yue said that he had nothing to do with Ye Xi, so he rode away, but was stopped by Cang Qi and his group on the way.

It turned out that after Ye Xi’s death three years ago, Bai Yue rescued Cang Qi who was on the verge of death, and Cang Qi wanted to have a good chat with Bai Yue. The two stood by the river, Cang Qi knew that Ye Xi was going to Fenghua Valley, and wanted Bai Yue to stay by his side, but seeing that Bai Yue was unwilling, Cang Qi planned to intercept and kill Tang Huan on the way. Bai Yue reminded Cang Qi to be careful, and told him that finding the five-color keel might restore Ye Xi’s memory.

Three years ago, Cang Qi hanged himself in the forest. Ye Xi happened to dig mushrooms nearby and rescued Cang Qi. Cang Qi suspects that Ye Xi has ulterior motives, and Ye Xi tells Cang Qi not to despise himself. At night, Cang Qi stood by the river watching the water, and jumped into the river directly. Ye Xi rescued Cang Qi and let him live well.

Along the way, Ye Xi kept following Cang Qi, wanting him to give up the idea of ​​committing suicide, and expressing that he could help him. Cang Qi didn’t want to live a miserable life, so he jumped off the city wall, and Ye Xi risked his life to save Cang Qi again. Cang Qi secretly got up with Ye Xi’s dropped dagger, and a group of soldiers surrounded the two of them. It turned out that Cang Qi fled privately as a hostage, and the prince even threatened Cang Qi with the lives of the Huainan king’s family. Seeing this, Cang Qi had no choice but to agree to go back with the soldiers.

At night, Cang Qi told Bai Yue that the imperial physician looked up the classics and learned that there might be five-color dragon bones under the ground of Nanke Temple. So, a group of people set off overnight.

On the other side, the so-called righteous man walked out of the grass and asked Ye Xi to hand over the rainstorm pear blossom needle, constantly slandering Ye Xi, and said that he would kill her for the justice of the martial arts. Ye Xi saw that some people were confusing right and wrong, so he planned to start a war with them. They saw Ye Xi take out the sword, and even framed Ye Xi for stealing the Kaiyang sword from Yishui Villa. At this time, Lin Xiaoxiao appeared to defend Ye Xi, telling several people that the leader of the martial arts alliance would investigate the matter of Tangmen clearly, and told them not to continue acting wild. Seeing this, several people had no choice but to leave in a hurry. Ye Xi thanked Lin Xiaoxiao for her help, and said that the two will meet in the future.

In the forest, looking at the heavy snow falling from the sky, Cang Qi couldn’t help recalling the scene three years ago. Three years ago, Bai Yue was covered in snow and was standing in front of the bulletin board looking at the edict. Cang Qi came on horseback and hurriedly tore down the edict. When he learned that Ye Xi had been bestowed to death by the crown prince, he didn’t want to believe it, and knelt in front of the city wall in grief. Cang Qi swore that he would find Ye Xi and avenge her, and was so angry that Cang Qi vomited a big mouthful of blood and fainted to the ground.

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