Wulin Heroes (2023) Episode 3

Wulin Heroes (2023) 武林有侠气 Episode 3 Recap and Review

Episode 3: Ye Xi and Tang Huan travel together, Bai Yue follows quietly

In the forest, Ye Xi rushed forward to repel the disciples of the Tang Sect. Tang Huan wanted to avenge the dead Uncle Qi but was kicked away by them. Seeing that Ye Xi was protecting Tang Huan, they had to leave in a hurry. At night, Ye Xi bandaged Tang Huan’s wound and gave him Yulu pills to treat the wound and relieve pain. Tang Huan told Ye Xi that after Tang Yang got the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle, he wanted to eliminate dissidents, so he chased and killed himself. Ye Xi told Tang Huan his experience after waking up from the mass grave, because he couldn’t prove his innocence, so he was very embarrassed to sleep in the open. Tang Huan thought that Ye Xi could save him, and believed that she was innocent.

Tang Huan told Ye Xi that he overheard Tang Yang admitting to killing Ye Xi, Mo Rou and the old sect master five years ago because he suspected that there was something wrong with the death of the old sect master. Ye Xi said that he wanted to seek justice from Tang Yang, while Tang Huan wanted to avenge the death of the old sect master, so he proposed to travel together. At this time, Bai Yue stood behind the tree and silently listened to the conversation between the two, thinking deeply.

The next day, Ye Xi asked Tang Huan how he planned to persuade the Thunderbolt Gate to deal with the Tang Gate together. Tang Huan said that the Master Yu of the Thunderbolt Gate had been helped by the old gatekeeper in the early years, but he could only try his best if he could get help from the Thunderbolt Gate . On the other hand, the so-called righteous people in the martial arts claimed to be doing justice for the heavens, and planned to capture Ye Xi and get back the martial arts secret books of various sects and hand her over to the Tang Sect. As soon as they sat down to drink tea, they saw a person wearing a red dress and a bamboo hat, and they quickly got up and chased after him.

In front of the inn, Tang Huan gave the sachet he bought to Ye Xi, expressing that Master Yu promised to support them. Ye Xi felt that the matter was of great importance and wondered whether Master Yu could trust him. Tang Huan understood that the goal of the two was to eradicate Tang Yang, and said that he would plan carefully and not casually use thunderbolts to hurt the children of the Tang family. Tang Huan asked Ye Xi if he was willing to stay away from the disputes and live a peaceful life with him after taking revenge. Ye Xi didn’t understand what Tang Huan meant, so he had to smile. At this time, a person in red clothes and a bamboo hat peeped from the side, and it turned out that this person was Bai Yue.

Wearing red clothes, Bai Yue ran away with the group of people who were chasing Ye Xi all night, and finally lured them away. He walked into the inn wearily, and Ye Xi asked Bai Yue if he had searched for the herbal medicine all night, but he ignored him and asked the waiter to cook the medicine for him. But the waiter in the shop asked Ye Xi to help cook the medicine because he left because of something.

Ye Xi added a lot of ginseng to the medicine pot because of Bai Yue’s help. Bai Yue learned that Ye Xi had helped cook medicine, and angrily came to Ye Xi’s room with the medicine bowl, reminding Ye Xi to be more cautious and be careful of exposure. Ye Xi wanted to reason with Bai Yue, but Bai Yue felt that she was playing a scoundrel, so Ye Xi expressed that she would part ways with him. At this moment, Tang Huan knocked on the door and told Ye Xi that Master Yu invited them to a gathering at the mansion. Ye Xi covered Bai Yue’s mouth and quickly agreed.

At the Thunderbolt Gate, Ye Xi and Tang Huan came to the head of the Yumen. Not long after the three of them sat down, the head of the Yumen said that he wanted to check the Thunderbolts and left the room. Tang Huan expressed his heart to Ye Xi again and asked her if she would marry him after the war, but Ye Xi didn’t know how to reply. Suddenly, a hidden weapon shot into the room, and then black and white Shuangsha rushed in to fight Ye Xi. Ye Xi stabs Bai Sha with a sword, and Hei Sha takes the opportunity to stab Ye Xi with a sword. Tang Huan blocks the sword for Ye Xi. Seeing this, the black and white evils leave quickly. Master Yu came late, and said that the two were from the Tang Sect, and suggested that they stay to heal their injuries, Ye Xi had no choice but to agree.

Hei Sha walked to the alley with Bai Sha on his back, and met Bai Yue. Hei Sha begged Bai Yue to save Bai Sha, and Bai Yue asked Hei Sha who sent them to assassinate Ye Xi, and Hei Sha told Bai Yue that the master behind the scenes was the master of Yumen. On the other hand, Ye Xi planned to go back to the inn to pack her things, because she was hungry, she sat down at the noodle shop to eat meat and drink. Bai Yue silently sat down opposite Ye Xi, and mocked her for being brainless and easy to be calculated by others. Ye Xi didn’t care.

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