Wulin Heroes (2023) Episode 2

Wulin Heroes (2023) 武林有侠气 Episode 2 Recap and Review

Episode 2: Bai Yue and Ye Xi were hunted down, and Ye Xi learned about the past

Bai Yue leads the horse and Ye Xi to Bailu City, and informs Ye Xi of the current world situation. After hearing this, Ye Xi was worried that the martial arts world was not peaceful, and said that she was most afraid of loneliness, and just hoped that there would be a good man who could stay with her forever. When they came to the gate of the city, Bai Yue put on the bamboo hat for Ye Xi, and Ye Xi used magic to conjure the way to enter the city. The soldiers checked Ye Xi’s directions, asked her to lift the bamboo hat to see her face, and then let the two of them enter the city. Suddenly, the soldier looked back at the reward order on the side, and quickly asked his subordinates to tell the imperial guards that Ye Xi was the one who was offered a reward for arrest.

Bai Yue and Ye Xi came to the teahouse for dinner, but Ye Xi’s physical condition could only eat light noodles. When Ye Xi wanted to eat the delicacies of mountains and seas in front of Bai Yue, Bai Yue ruthlessly stopped him. At this time, Chu Yao walked into the teahouse and invited Ye Xi and Bai Yue to his house as guests. It turned out that when Bai Yue passed by here to rescue Chu Yao, Chu Yao planned to take advantage of Bai Yue’s downhill and enter the city to have a drink with Bai Yue and not return until he was drunk. Bai Yue didn’t want to go to Chu Yao’s mansion, but felt that it would be a good place for Ye Xi to recuperate, so he agreed. Ye Xi planned to leave, but under Bai Yue’s coercion and lure, he had no choice but to stay.

At night, Ye Xi learned that the two servants of the mansion were going to listen to books, so she secretly followed them to the teahouse. The storyteller told the story of Ye Xi, the so-called No. 1 witch in the martial arts world. After hearing the story, the tea drinkers wanted to kill the witch immediately. At this time, someone discovered that Ye Xi was also in the teahouse. Just when they were confused, a group of people rushed into the teahouse, saying that they had come to capture Ye Xi under the reward order of the regent. Ye Xi was very puzzled. Seeing several people slashing at him with knives, he had to cut off a branch and leaf to protect himself. Seeing Ye Xi’s Feishuang swordsmanship, the group of people believed even more that Ye Xi was a witch.

When Ye Xi was in a panic, Bai Yue rushed to the teahouse. When everyone found out that Bai Yue was going to help Ye Xi, they chased and killed them. The two fled in a hurry, but Bai Yue was hit in the back by an arrow shot from upstairs. When they were in a critical situation, Chu Yao secretly set off a cigarette to help them escape. Lin Xiaoxiao, the daughter of the martial arts leader, arrived at this time and asked Chu Yao about Bai Yue’s whereabouts. Knowing that Chu Yao didn’t know, Lin Xiaoxiao had to go back to Yishui Villa with her subordinates.

In the long-abandoned Guiyuan Temple, Bai Yue bandaged his wounds in front of the fire. Ye Xi braved the rain to search for herbs but went back to the ruined temple. She saw Bai Yue took away the hairpin that Chu Yao gave her and wanted to snatch it back. She accidentally pulled off Bai Yue’s clothes and found the imprint on Bai Yue’s back. She felt a little familiar but because Bai Yue’s scolding had no choice but to step aside.

Ye Xi recalled the story told by the storyteller and realized that he was Ye Xi. She turned her head and saw Bai Yue scratching her back. She wanted to go back to Bailu City to find Chu Yao, but she had to give up because it was thundering and raining outside. Bai Yue finally couldn’t bear it anymore and asked Ye Xi to scratch his back for him. Just as Ye Xi put his hand on his back, Bai Yue suddenly realized that it was no longer itchy, so he asked Ye Xi to rest.

The next day, the two left Guiyuan Temple and came to Liubai Pavilion. Under Ye Xi’s questioning, Bai Yue told Ye Xi that Ye Xi was killed by pear blossom needles in a rainstorm five years ago and died in Yuzhu Forest. She told Ye Xi about the past when she exposed the dead body in the mass grave. Knowing that the prince was dead, Ye Xi decided to seek revenge from Tang Yang first.

Soon, Chu Yao came to Liubai Pavilion. Ye Xi asked the two of them to drink slowly, and then he carried the package on his back and planned to go to Tangmen to find Tang Yang. Chu Yao knew Bai Yue had put in so much effort to let Ye Xi go to the city to heal his wounds, and asked Bai Yue to correct his duplicity. After hearing this, Bai Yue silently handed the medicine for his face to Chu Yao and expressed his gratitude.

On the other side, Ye Xi was sitting on the side of the road looking at the map, but found that Tang Huan and his group were being hunted down by the Tang Sect. Ye Xi eavesdropped on the conversation of several people and learned that Tang Huan and the others also had a grudge against Tang Yang. When Tang Huan was left alone in the fight, she finally couldn’t help but stepped forward to help.

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