Why is body mass index important?

BMI calculation. In addition we already know the shape and proportions. It also allows us to know the risk of developing various diseases or not, and what indicators can the BMI be? Will come up with an answer on this matter.

Body Mass Index Body Mass Index, abbreviated as BMI, is a standard measure to assess the condition of the body. Is there an appropriate body weight-to-height balance?

BMI can be used as a screening tool to identify people who are overweight. or obese and underweight in adults aged 20 years and over.

BMI is calculated from the value of body weight in kilograms. Divided by height in meters, raised to the power of 2 and expressed in kg/m2
Body Mass Index (BMI) = body weight (kg)
and height (m)2

BMI can be interpreted as follows:

BMI < 18.5 indicates underweight or lean
BMI 18.5 – 22.90 indicates normal
BMI 23 – 24.90 indicates overweight
BMI 25 – 29.90 indicates grade 1 obesity
BMI 30 or higher Indicates obesity of the 2nd degree

in the case of a high BMI. and was diagnosed with being overweight or obese It may cause the risk of many health problems, including high blood pressure. high cholesterol and triglyceride levels type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease cerebrovascular disease Gallbladder disease osteoarthritis sleep apnea or trouble breathing And various types of cancer.

However, the interpretation of BMI in athletes, bodybuilders with high muscle mass. or patients with liver and kidney disease with edema may have a high BMI without being overweight or obese.

After knowing the results of the BMI Must treat themselves to be far away from disease as follows.

  1. Choose food and drink consumption. by choosing nutritious food Especially whole grains, vegetables and fruits should not eat more than 3 main meals a day and choose low-calorie foods. Avoid or cut back on heavy, heavy meals, such as buffet meals. Foods high in fat or sugar, oils, fried foods, fatty meats. and choose to drink water or not Low-fat milk substitutes for sweetened drinks, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages.
  1. Exercise Exercise should be exercised with appropriate physical activity at least 150 – 300 minutes / week, including walking, running, aerobics, cycling, swimming, specific exercises. like using exercise equipment Lifting weights or doing a combination of exercises of different types Exercising is not limited to the gym. Because it can turn everyday activities into exercise at the same time, such as doing housework by yourself. Reduce the use of facilities walk more

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