Who is the historical prototype of Baili Hongyi in “The Wind Rises from Luoyang”

Watching “The Wind Rises from Luoyang”, everyone is interested in whether Baili Hongyi is a famous family, and the discussion is very interesting. Then let me talk about the status of the surname “Baili” and the Baili family in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Speaking of the surname “Baili”, which one is most familiar to you? Everyone should know “Bailixi”, right? When I was in school, I should have memorized it-“Shunfa was raised among the farms, Fu Yue was raised among the boards, Jiaoge was raised among the fish and salt, Guan Yiwu was raised among the scholars, Sun Shuao was raised in the sea, Baili Xi was raised in the City. Therefore, the heavens will send a great mission to human beings. They must first suffer from their will, work their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skins, and empty their bodies…” This paragraph, right? This “Baili Xi” is the ancestor of the later Baili clan.

Where did the name “Baili” come from?

First, what does “Baili Xiju Yushi” mean? In fact, Bailixi used to be a slave, and was exchanged by Qin Mugong for five black sheepskins from the Chu people’s market, and assisted Qin Mugong all the way to become one of the five tyrants in the Spring and Autumn Period.

Bailixi, the ancestor’s surname was not Baili. So Bailixi didn’t have a surname of Baili at the beginning, it should be a surname related to “Jiang’s surname”.

The main reason is that after Bailixi became a powerful scholar-bureaucrat in Qin State, he was sealed in Bailiyi. After that, Bailixi’s son Meng Shiming took “Baili” as his surname, and the name “Baili” came from this. Come.

Is Baili Shi a famous family?

A long time later, the Baili family, as the common surname of the Han nationality, has been living together in Xincai County and Jingzhao County, and they are also local prominent families. Xincai County – Henan Xincai area, Jingzhao County – Shaanxi Xi’an area.

Although it can be considered a famous family with a long history, in the Sui, Tang and Wu Zhou dynasties, the Baili family was really not considered a famous family among the noble families.

They can’t be counted as the first tier of gentry aristocrats in the “Five Surnames and Seven Wangs”, nor can they be considered the second tier of the Guanlong Group, and they can’t even be counted as the third tier of prime ministers in the Tang Dynasty, such as the Pei family, Xue family, and Du family. Marginalized noble class.

Aristocratic families refer to members of Qiwang with five surnames and members of the Guanlong Group.

The gentry family, a privileged group of feudal aristocrats formed by the clan as a bond, had a brief rise in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

However, in the Tang Dynasty, the five surnames were actually on the decline, because the royal family suppressed them openly and secretly, and the Guanlong Group was also another major power group in the Tang Dynasty.

The Baili family should be reused and promoted by Wu Zetian.

Wu Zetian’s own Wu family is not a famous family or aristocratic family. When Tang Gaozong wanted to abolish the king and empress and establish Wu Zetian, the courtiers strongly opposed it.

Wu Zetian herself was despised by these messy famous families of the Guanlong Group with five surnames all the way. Once she became emperor, she continued to suppress the old clans and promote the new nobles.

Baili Hongyi’s family background, you can say that he has a lot of background, because after all, he is a Han family with a common surname. But the surname Baili was really not a famous family in the Sui, Tang and Wu Zhou dynasties.

However, a family like theirs is precisely the family that Wu Zetian likes to reuse and promote to compete with the old forces and old clans.

Baili’s and Liu’s are well matched.

Baili Hongyi’s daughter-in-law, Liu Ran, belonged to the Han clan of the Guanlong Group – the Hedong Liu family. This family is a real famous family in the Sui, Tang and Wu Zhou dynasties.

However, Liu Ran’s status is still incomparable to that of the “women with five surnames”, nor to the core of the Guanlong Group, nor to those prime minister families in the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, she is in the right family to marry Baili Hongyi.

Because, although she belongs to the famous Hedong Liu family, it is obvious that Wu Zetian supports the emerging gentry.

Although Liu’s family background is deep and the family background is not weak, in fact, Baili’s family is not bad, but Liu Xiang is greedy and Bailiyan is upright.

I happened to see a pair describing the surname “Baili”, and I felt that it was quite suitable for Baili Hongyi:

The sea of ​​hundreds of rivers is deep and wide; in the cotton there are needles that are soft and firm. The surname implying “Baili” also fits Baili Hongyi’s personality.

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