Who does Shen Jie like in “Ningan is Like a Dream”

The person Shen Jie likes in ” Peace is Like a Dream ” is Jiang Xuehui.

Jiang Xuening took a break and returned to the palace, specially bringing a gift of shadow puppets to Shen Zhiyi, but she hoped that Shen Zhiyi would let her out of the palace. Shen Zhiyi firmly disagreed and could not exempt Jiang Xuening from piano lessons. Jiang Xuening had no choice but to ask her to summon Jiang Xuehui into the palace.

The Queen Mother tried her best to bring Shen Jie and Xue Shu together. Xue Shu knew that he did not like the Queen Mother doing this, so she said some sympathetic words. Seeing Jiang Xuehui entering the palace from a distance, Shen Jie’s eyes suddenly lit up, and Xue Shu’s fists clenched again.

Jiang Xuening said that she arranged for Jiang Xuehui to enter the palace because Xue Shu regarded Shen Jie’s sweetheart as herself and gave herself the means that should have been used on Jiang Xuehui, so she asked her to come in to block her. However, Jiang Xuehui was not angry and understood Jiang Xuening. It’s just a poisonous mouth.

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