Which country does the croissant originate from?

Among the “Vienna sweet bread or desserts“, the most famous is the crescent-shaped “croissant”. The inspiration for this crescent-shaped bread shape is legendary, and the most praised is the “Turkish machete” that the army of the Ottoman Turkish Empire has.

Croissant is French bread, and it means croissant in French, so people usually transliterate it in English as “croissant”, or croissant. The name “croissant” is influenced by American culture.

The best feature of the croissant is the crispy crust. It is fragrant and crispy, and the inner texture is soft and cottony. A bite is full of creamy aroma. The crumbs that fall off the outer skin while eating are the proof of the crispy bread. The loaf of bread Audrey Hepburn held in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” was a crispy and creamy croissant.

Now for breakfast, it is one of the French’s favorite breakfasts.

For the origin of the croissant, it is said that the croissant originated in a pastry shop in Vienna, Austria , to commemorate the withdrawal of the Ottoman Empire in central and southeastern Europe.

In 1683, the Battle of Vienna took place, so this type of West Point was called viennoiserie. At that time, the Turkish army decided to attack Vienna at night, but it was discovered by the bakers who got up early in the local bakery. They sounded the alarm all over the city, thus making the enemy’s sneak attack ended in failure.

To commemorate the victory, bakers made the bread in the shape of a horn, which also closely resembles the emblem of the Ottoman crescent flag.

In 1770, the Austrian princess Marie-Antoinette d’Autriche (Vienna) officially brought croissants to France. But there is a saying that croissants existed as early as 1770. There are historical records of having croissants in the royal family of Paris in 1549.

Today, croissants are a French breakfast tradition. The practice of layered croissants on the market today dates back to the early 20th century.

Croissants are made from flour, tallow (butter), sugar, eggs and yeast. Some will be eaten with various jams and so on. The material is simple, but it is very skillful to make. It has to be folded three times, four times, etc. Different folding methods determine the layering of the final product, which is a test of the baker’s skills.

Croissants can only be made by hand, and you need to have a very delicate grasp of the baking temperature to make the bread especially soft and fluffy. Every crevice is filled with a thick butter-scented croissant, sandwiched with jam or butter, and a glass of warm milk. This is the most quintessential French form of breakfast, convenient, time-saving and nutritious.

Croissants are mainly made of high-gluten flour, low-gluten flour, etc., and the auxiliary materials are dry yeast, sugar, eggs, vegetable butter, milk, etc. The taste is sweet, such as “croissant” and other creamy bread rolls, but it is commonly known by the French. The “Viennoiserie” (Viennoiserie) is somewhat similar to doughnuts or American Donuts, with chocolate, jam, cream, raisin and other flavors.

The highest calorie bread is spongy bread, also known as “Danish bread”. It is characterized by adding 20% ​​to 30% of butter or shortening, which can form a special layered structure, and is often made into croissants, raisin bread, chocolate shortbread, etc.

So although the croissant is crispy, soft and delicious, it has too much saturated fat and calories, and may contain “trans fatty acids” that are very bad for cardiovascular health. Obese and diabetic patients should eat as little as possible.

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