Where is the Chaoge now? Where is the Chaoge of the Shang Dynasty now?

Chaoge is now Qi County, Hebi City, Henan Province. Chaoge was the capital of the Shang Dynasty and one of the main birthplaces of Chinese civilization. The capital of the Shang Dynasty was not Chaoge at the beginning, but the capital of Yin. It was when Pan Geng was king of Shang that he moved the capital of the Shang Dynasty to Yindu. Later, King Zhou succeeded to the throne and expanded the capital of the Shang Dynasty. It was not until Moyi that it was renamed Chaoge. Later, with the change of dynasties, Chaoge changed many names. In the first year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, it was changed to Qi County, and the name Qi County has been used ever since.

In the era of King Zhou of Shang Dynasty, Chaoge, the capital of China, was very prosperous. King Wu defeated Zhou, and after his defeat in Muye, King Zhou withdrew from Lutai and died. After King Wu defeated the merchants, the soldiers arrived at Chaoge and moved Jiuding to Chaoge. In addition to historical records, the Chaoge of Zhoudu can also prove the ancient city wall of Zhuqi County.

The capital city of Emperor Xin of the Shang Dynasty was blocked by the Qi River in the east and Taihang Mountain in the west. There were three city walls in the north and south of the city. The outermost wall reached Changtun Village in Qi County in the south and Qishui Pass in Qi County in the north. , more than fifty miles from north to south.

The second city is Wangcheng. The north wall of Wangcheng is from the east of Gongye Road in today’s Qi County to the north of Sanhai Village, and the south wall is in the area of ​​Nanguan in today’s Qi County. The third city, Miyagi, is located in the area of ​​Sanhai Village and Xitan Village in today’s Qi County.

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