Where is Danjiangyuan Wetland?

Danjiangyuan Wetland in Shaanxi (Sanjiangyuan Wetland)

After a spring rain in the Guyu season, Shangluo, Shaanxi is surrounded by greenery, and the Danjiang source wetland is even more beautiful and beautiful. A bird’s-eye view of the Danjiangyuan Wetland, a lake with clear water inlaid among the mountains, clouds and mist floating on the mountains on both sides of the river, under the nourishment of the spring rain, the vegetation is dripping and green, like a watercolor painting. Where is the Danjiangyuan Wetland?


In recent years, Shangluo has implemented the most stringent ecological protection measures, deeply understood the extreme importance of protecting the ecological environment of the Qinling Mountains, continued to promote the construction of ecological civilization, and continuously improved the ecological environment of Shangluo.

Shangluo City, a prefecture-level city in Shaanxi Province, is located in the southeast of Shaanxi Province, at the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains, on the border of Hubei and Henan provinces. It borders Lingbao, Lushi, Xixia, and Xichuan counties and cities in Henan Province to the east; Yunyang District and Yunxi County, Shiyan City, Hubei Province to the south; and Hanbin District and Ningxi County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province to the west and southwest. Shaan and Xunyang are adjacent to Chang’an District and Lantian County in Xi’an City; to the north are connected to Tongguan, Huayin and Huazhou Districts in Weinan City, Shaanxi Province.

Shaanxi Danjiangyuan National Wetland Park is located in the valley section of the Danjiang River and its tributary Banqiao River, the longest river in Shangzhou District. It involves 7 towns including Majie, Chengguan, Dazhaoyu, Liuwan, and Yangyuhe. There are two administrative villages with a total area of ​​2010.38 hectares and a wetland area of ​​624.05 hectares. The wetland rate is 31.04%. It is a comprehensive wetland integrating rivers and reservoirs and ponds.

Brief Introduction

Shaanxi Danjiangyuan National Wetland Park is located in the valley section of the Danjiang River and its tributary Banqiao River, the longest river in Shangzhou District. It involves 7 towns including Majie, Chengguan, Dazhaoyu, Liuwan, and Yangyuhe. There are two administrative villages with a total area of ​​2010.38 hectares and a wetland area of ​​624.05 hectares. The wetland rate is 31.04%. It is a comprehensive wetland integrating rivers and reservoirs and ponds.

The park is divided into five major functional areas: wetland conservation area, restoration and reconstruction area, publicity and education display area, wetland recreation area and management service area. The construction content includes: wetland protection, wetland restoration, popular science education, scientific research and monitoring, rational utilization, disaster prevention, and community 9 aspects including co-construction and co-management, basic capacity building of protection management and basic engineering construction. The planned construction period is from 2013 to 2020 and will be constructed in three phases for a total of 8 years. The total investment of the project is about 376 million yuan.

The Danjiangyuan National Wetland Park is mainly composed of river wetlands and lake wetlands, which contain 270 species of wild vertebrates and 693 species of wild plants; Luonan Luoheyuan National Wetland Park (pilot) is located in the Luohe Valley section of Luonan County, starting from Luonan Diaopeng Village, Yuan Town, east to Guandimiao Village, Baiyusi Town, on both sides to the foothills on both sides, involving 52 administrative villages in 8 towns including Luoyuan and Weidong, with a total area of ​​1,534 hectares, a comprehensive one with river as the main body The wetland park has 280 species of wild vertebrates and 703 species of plants.

The significance of Danjiang source wetland
After the completion of the project, it will have multiple ecological service functions such as protecting biodiversity, flood prevention and storage, increasing urban water sources, regulating and improving regional climate, degrading pollutants, purifying water quality, and beautifying the environment. It can also become people’s understanding of nature and understanding Large classrooms and museums for ecology, history, and science.

The establishment of these wetland parks has not only improved the ecological conditions of the city’s wetlands, but also helped to bring into play the multiple functional benefits of the wetlands, and promoted the cultural and natural tourism in the region. At the same time, it is important for the development of ecological tourism, increasing the attractiveness of regional leisure and vacation tourism, and speeding up The development of Shangzhou’s eco-tourism industry will have a very important and far-reaching impact.

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