Where did the Eucharist come from

The word Eucharist is derived from the Greek “Eucharist”, which means “thank you”. It is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. It is called the sacrament of the sacraments. It was established by Jesus himself at the Last Supper and passed down from the apostles.

As a memorial act, the Eucharist not only reminds us of what Jesus did during the Last Supper, but also effectively reproduces this sacrifice again. At the Last Supper, Jesus gave the command of love to the disciples: Ask them to love each other as Jesus loved them.

In the Bible Jesus said: “I tell you the truth: “If you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, there will be no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood will have eternal life, and at the last day I will raise him up” (John 6:53-54).

It was established by Jesus at the Last Supper, and he made himself truly present in the form of bread and wine as food for believers. All those who receive this Eucharist will become brothers and sisters, and unite with each other in Christ to reach the highest state of communion with the Lord.


Few things are more Catholic than the sacramental life of the church. The sacramental life of the church is based on the seven sacraments, especially the Eucharist, because the Eucharist is called the sacrament of the sacrament. Sacrament. It can be said that Catholicism is a sacramental traditional religion.

The sacrament is the action of the church. If the church itself is a sacrament, then his actions must be sacramental. Therefore, the church is acting through the seven sacraments, which is actually the action of Christ in the church.

The sacrament, as a sign of grace, realizes the sacramental essence of the church, as the cause of grace. They represent the presence of God’s salvation, and at the same time, they are also the sign and basis of our communion with God.

“The purpose of the sacrament is to sanctify mankind, to build the Eucharist (church) of Christ, and to pay homage to God” (Literature 59). The sacrament is the most remarkable sacred act, and the person who pays the ritual should be cherished sincerity in his heart, and the appearance is dignified and ritual. The sacraments are also signs, and they have the role of instruction. Only by acting consciously can we truly produce real results.

The sacraments are not only some external rituals, but also the signs of life. They are the concrete manifestations of God’s contact with and interaction with people in a human way. It is an effective way for people to gain grace through the close union of faith and God. Therefore, it can also be said that the sacrament is life, and the sacrament should not be treated as a “thing”.

When I see someone who has doubts or does not understand about the sacrament, (especially about the Eucharist) I am willing to help, but there are more people with lofty ideals who are willing to understand the sacrament of the Catholic Church and have nowhere to inquire. Therefore, I volunteered my courage, and at the same time organized the information about the sacraments of the church in the heart of loving God, hoping to give you some help more or less.

Eucharist materials

Wheat flour bread (usually unleavened bread) and wine, add a few drops of water (Jesus himself did this, because when the soldiers on the cross pierced Jesus’ side, blood and water flowed out).

These two are suitable materials, the most commonly used food and beverages, and they are wonderful symbols that represent the union of the faithful with Jesus and the unity of the faithful with each other. The material of this sacrament is different from the materials of other sacraments. The bread and wine will deteriorate (become the body and blood of Christ). This material represents three things: the past sufferings of Jesus, the grace we receive now, and the prediction of future eternal life.

Article 924 (item 1) of the Code: “Bread and wine with a little water should be used for the celebration of Thanksgiving.” (item 2) “The cake should be freshly made from pure wheat and there is no danger of spoilage.” (item 3) “It should be a natural wine made from grapes, which hasn’t spoiled yet.”

The materials of the Eucharist are bread and wine. The former is used for the consecration of Jesus and the latter is used for the blood of Jesus. Regarding the raw materials and manufacturing process of the cake wine, some belong to the validity, and some belong to the legality, so special attention should be paid.

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