When will the THR of Civil Servants and the 13th Salary in 2022 Disburse? Record the Latest Schedule Updates Here

In this article, we will provide a summary of information that will discuss the estimated date of disbursement of salaries for Civil Servants or Civil Servants in 2022.

Reporting from various sources, THR will be disbursed before Eid which falls in early May 2022. If you refer to previous years, the disbursement will be made two weeks before Eid or on April 22, 2022.

Meanwhile, the 13th salary is predicted to be disbursed to coincide with the new school year. The new school year itself will be expected to fall around June or July 2022.

The disbursement scheme has been regulated in the 2022 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD). However, the amount of THR and the 13th salary that will be paid is not yet certain.

To add information, it is known that the amount of THR and the 13th salary last year were cut due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021, THR and 13th salary are given without performance allowance, only basic salary and attached allowance.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani revealed that the THR given to civil servants had been adjusted to the ability of the state budget in the midst of rising prices due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“If there are several cases, if it can’t be done because of technical problems, then it can be done after Lebaran.”

“I hope it can be disbursed starting D-10 so that ASN can get it before Eid,” said Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

The 13th salary for civil servants or central and regional civil servants such as the TNI and Polri will be disbursed in July 2022.

The source of funds from the 13th salary for this central civil servant comes from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget or APBN. And the salaries of these 13 Civil Servants or PNS come from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget or APBD.

“The policy of providing THR and 13th salary is expected to continue to provide more conducive factors. For the community in their activities and carrying out activities and to help the Indonesian economy,” he said.

Well, that’s the latest information from when the THR salary for civil servants will be disbursed in 2022. Hopefully this article can be useful for all of us.

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