What is the Ending of Yu Jingqiu and Dongbo Xueying in “The Lord of Snow Eagle”

In ” The Lord of Snow Eagle “, Yu Jingqiu and Dongbo Xueying were almost in danger of their lives because of their physique conflicts. Yu Jingqiu voluntarily gave up his divine veins and fell to the human world.

The purpose was to be together for Dongbo Xueying. And she and Yu Jingqiu have a son named Dongbo Nianbai.

Dongbo Snow Eagle was even more seriously injured, and the voodoo poison of the Ghost Six Resentments from the Sword of the Witch God invaded his blood. Even if he untied the Witch God Array, there was no cure. Seeing this scene, Yu Jingqiu insisted on going back to Longshan Country to accompany Dong Bo Xueying.

Xue Ruoshuang couldn’t dissuade Yu Jingqiu, so she told Moxue Kingdom’s evisceration formation that only Yu Jingqiu stripped off the divine veins in his body and turned into an ordinary mortal, so he could avoid being harmed by the mortal world and even the ancient blood. The Moxue kings of all ages have never tried the bone-escalating formation. This secret technique only exists in ancient books.

There is no god race who voluntarily gave up the divine veins and fell into the world. Therefore, Yu Jingqiu will endure more painful pain than imagined. Yu Jingqiu made up his mind not to regret it, and after undergoing all kinds of tortures to complete the identity replacement, he returned to the mortal world and hurriedly went to Dongbo Xueying to bring him bitter herbs, temporarily suppressing the onset of voodoo in Dongbo Xueying’s body and slowing down its spread.

Dongbo Xueying was fully awakened, Wu Cang and Yu Feng died heroically one after another, and Yu Jingqiu was seriously injured to protect Dongbo Xueying. Dongbo Xueying gathered all his strength to burst out golden light, breaking through numerous obstacles and beheading the demon god, causing his soul to fly and annihilate without a chance of resurrection, and then the demonic energy shrouded in Longshan Kingdom gradually dissipated.

The crisis of the Xia Clan has completely passed, and the peace of Longshan Kingdom has been restored. Dongbo Xueying brought Yu Jingqiu back to Xueying, and became the new lord in place of his father. He and Yu Jingqiu had a son, Dongbo Nianbai.

Another year’s Fuyuan Festival is approaching. Dongbo Nianbai wants to catch sika deer, but Dongbo Xueying stops him. Dongbo Xueying warns his son to remember the original intention of Emperor Longshan to establish Longshan Kingdom.

He wants to let the Xia people live and work in peace, not to drive other species to extinction. Great love comes from protection, and only by protecting the weak can you prove yourself. Even though the young Dongbo Nianbai didn’t quite understand this truth, he still remembered what his father said, that is, there are many unsung heroes guarding the land where they can’t see, which is also the belief and mission of every Xia tribe.

Dongbo Nianbai was curious about how to obtain extraordinary power, Dongbo Xueying said that the road to the extraordinary is at the foot, as long as you believe in yourself, you have already embarked on the journey

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