What is Palace Pu’er Tea

Among the quality grades of Pu’er tea, palace Pu’er tea is one. I believe that most people still don’t know much about this level of Pu’er tea. So, what is palace Pu’er tea? For this question, we still need to understand the relevant content of court Pu’er tea in detail. It is also very good to know more about Pu’er tea.

1. Introduction of Royal Pu’er Tea

Palace Pu’er tea, as the name suggests, is the Pu’er tea offered as a tribute to the court. Compared with other tribute tea varieties, it is really different, and was regarded as a rare and famous tea at that time. It is as round as the bright moon in three autumns, and the fragrance is as fragrant as the orchids in Jiuwan. It is not a lie that Emperor Qianlong bestowed this reputation on Pu’er when he first tasted it.

Although the folks also have Pu’er, its quality is not the same as that of the royal Pu’er. “Compendium of Materia Medica Supplements” records: Pu’er tea is bitter in taste and can relieve greasy cattle and sheep poison…bitter and astringent, dispelling phlegm and lowering qi, scraping the intestines and ventilating.

Because the Manchu ancestors in the Qing Dynasty were originally nomadic people in Northeast China, they mainly ate meat. Pu-erh tea became the most popular drink for the royal family at that time.
What is Palace Pu’er Tea

At that time, only members of the royal family could enjoy the Royal Pu’er. It was a symbol of unique status. If you did not have royal blood, you would have no chance to see it. Even the founding fathers with power over the ruling and opposition parties, or the elders of the three dynasties who assisted the country, are only occasionally lucky enough to kiss the Royal Pu’er at the Banquet of Thousands of Seniors when they have made special meritorious service or returned home after their meritorious deeds.

Nowadays, with the changes of the times, the palace Pu’er is like “the swallow before Wang Xietang in the old days, flying into the homes of ordinary people.” Today, let Xiao Wu come to unveil its mysterious veil for friends.

Palace Pu’er tea is processed from fresh leaves of big-leaf tea trees in Yunnan. The picking standard is one bud and one leaf, or one bud and two leaves. At the same time, its production process is relatively complicated, and it needs to go through multiple processes such as killing, kneading, drying, stacking, and pressing.

What is Palace Pu’er Tea

Judging from the shape of the tea leaves, the high-quality ones are fat and well-proportioned, with few broken pieces, and the inferior ones are thin and trivial. From the bottom of the leaves, the color of the tea leaves is brownish-red, oily and shiny. The leaf quality is not easy to be corrupted, hardening is the top grade, and the bottom of the leaf is dull or the leaf quality is rotten, and the hardening is the inferior product.

2. Collection value

“Drinking and storing” are the dual characteristics of Pu’er tea. Pu’er tea is known as “drinkable antique”, and its unique quality of getting better with age is recognized by everyone. The quality of Pu’er tea is closely related to the main chemical components of tea polyphenols, amino acids, and soluble sugars.

The essence of the storage process of Pu’er tea is the slow oxidation process of the chemical substances in the tea. After a certain period of storage of Pu-erh tea, the color of the soup will gradually change from the original yellow-green or orange-yellow to bright red, and the taste will appear mellow and smooth. Owing to the decrease of tea polyphenol oxidized ester tea, the increase of soluble sugar, the decrease of astringency, the elimination of bitterness and astringency, the increase of sweetness, presents a special aged fragrance.

What is Palace Pu’er Tea

Pu-erh tea is post-fermented tea, the longer it is stored, the better the quality. Consumers now generally buy aged Pu-erh tea for drinking, but it takes time for aged tea to take shape, and good green cakes usually need to be stored for more than ten years. And good cooked cakes generally take four to five years. Every year, a large amount of raw tea needs to be stored and aged for drinking after molding in the future.

If the production company wants to reserve part of the raw tea for aging every year, after a few years, the production company will be under great financial pressure. Therefore, commercial capital is needed to participate in the completion of the process, and channels for collecting and investing in Pu’er tea have emerged as the times require, and the value-added of Pu’er tea is obvious.

After the introduction of the above content, I believe that everyone has a certain understanding of court Pu’er tea. Pu-erh tea has always been a popular drink, and most people like to drink Pu-erh tea, and different Pu-erh teas meet the needs of more people. Generally speaking, drinking Pu’er tea is good for your health, and there are many benefits to developing a good tea drinking habit.

Source: Red Bean

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