What is baking soda?

What is baking soda?

Known as baking soda, sodium bicarbonate is a component that first appeared 4 million years ago when salt lakes all over the world started to evaporate and produce trona deposits. Trona is the rock that is used to manufacture the naturally occurring mineral soda ash (sodium carbonate). Baking soda can then be produced by processing soda ash.

Wyoming is home to the largest trona deposit in the world. In 2015, 17 million tons of the material were produced in the region and exported around the world. It is generally known as a baking ingredient giving certain foods such as bread and muffins a fluffy texture.

What is the chemical formula of baking soda? Is baking soda an acid or a base?

Sodium bicarbonate is defined as a chemical compound with the formula NaHCO3. Being a base, it loses a negatively charged hydroxide ion when combined with water (OH-). Its pH is approximately 8. It is a salt made up of the bicarbonate anion (HCO3) and the sodium cation (Na+). Sodium bicarbonate is a white, crystalline solid that frequently takes the form of a fine powder. It tastes somewhat alkaline and salty, like washing soda (sodium carbonate).

Nahcolite is the natural mineral form. It is dissolved in numerous mineral springs and is a part of the mineral natron. Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide can be mixed, but only in even portions for cleaning purposes.

What are the benefits of baking soda? What are the uses of baking soda?

Baking soda bath benefits/ Baking soda in bath water
Baths with baking soda are a cheap, secure, and frequently successful approach to take care of one’s skin and managing health issues.

Epsom salt baths are used to cure specific conditions, whereas baking soda baths are not. Epsom salt baths are used to address conditions like circulatory health, blood pressure, and nerve function, whilst baking soda baths are more frequently utilized for skin difficulties.

It is important to drink plenty of water before considering taking a baking soda bath. In order to prepare the bath accordingly, the amount of baking soda that needs to be added to the bath water varies from 5 teaspoons to two cups, mostly depending on the type of condition that requires treatment. Giving it a good stir is essential in order for the baking soda to completely dissolve. After that, the baking soda bath is ready to be soaked in for 10 to 40 minutes.

After the bath, rinsing with fresh water is recommended. Toxins and residue are removed as a result. A washcloth or loofah can be used to exfoliate and get rid of dead skin cells.

Warm but not scalding is the ideal temperature for the water. This lessens the likelihood of burning, fainting, and dizziness. The skin may lose moisture when exposed to hot water, as it will absorb moisture more effectively if using warm water. After the bath, it is advised to towel dry, moisturize and hydrate by drinking water.

Other than relaxing and unwinding, these baths can also help to ease stress and pain, induce perspiration, increase circulation and promote healing. However, adding baking soda to baths may also have other benefits, most of them being skin-related.

Baking soda for yeast infections

Easing the symptoms of a yeast infection (such as itching, burning, and swelling) may be done by taking a baking soda yeast infection bath. Vaginal pH may benefit from the use of baking soda as well. According to a 2014 study, yeast infections are caused by Candida cells, which baking soda kills. Additionally discovered are the general antifungal properties of baking soda.

Baking soda for urinary tract infections (UTI)

UTIs are infections of the urinary system that can damage the kidneys, urethra, or bladder (cystitis) (kidney infection). Antibiotics can be used to treat UTIs, however, they are not always necessary. The acid in the urine can be neutralized, bacteria can be eliminated, and healing can be aided by taking a baking soda bath for UTI. It might also make urinating less painful.

The amount of baking soda necessary for a bath regarding UTIs is ¼ cup. For adults, it is recommended to soak in the bathtub for approximately 30 minutes, while children should only do it for 10 to 15 minutes.

Baking soda water for heartburn/ for acid reflux

A digestive disorder known as acid reflux occurs when stomach acid rushes back into the esophagus, the tract connecting the mouth to the stomach.

Heartburn might result from this acid reflux because it can irritate the esophagus. Heartburn is a burning sensation that can happen anywhere in the body, from the center of the abdomen to the throat. There are multiple symptoms associated with acid reflux, including bad breath, pain in the chest or upper stomach, nausea, difficulties in swallowing and others. If the symptoms persist and get worse, gastroesophageal reflux disease may have developed (GERD).

This indicates that one’s daily life is impacted by acid reflux, which occurs at least twice a week, and that it may have harmed the esophagus. It is important to follow a doctor’s recommendations for treatment in cases of GERD.

Over-the-counter (OTC) acid reflux treatments like Tums and proton pump inhibitors are widely available from pharmacies and retail outlets (PPIs). However, baking soda is a cheap remedy that people probably already have at home. Although it should only be taken occasionally, baking soda is a well-liked remedy for digestive issues like heartburn, acid indigestion, and upset stomachs. It is essential to make sure the doctor’s instructions regarding the dosage of baking soda used for the treatment of acid reflux are well followed, as the amounts are recommended depending on the person’s age.

Baking soda shouldn’t be used as a long-term remedy for symptoms of an acid stomach; it should only offer temporary relief. Too much baking soda can worsen the symptoms by causing acid rebound. Additionally, one needs to make sure the baking soda is thoroughly mixed with at least 4 ounces of water before taking a sip. Baking soda should not be used regularly or as a treatment for GERD; instead, it should be used to relieve heartburn and indigestion right away.

Is baking soda good for your teeth? Baking soda for mouth rinse, teeth whitening

Mouthwash is a great complement to your one’s hygiene regimen since it gets into the nooks and crannies of the mouth and teeth, gums, and tongue that brushing could miss. Baking soda is frequently used as a replacement for mouthwash. According to literature data, it may also have antibacterial and antimicrobial effects in addition to aiding in breath freshening. In order to make a baking soda mouthwash, 2 grams of baking soda are added to 120 mL of warm water.

Baking soda can also be used as a teeth whitening agent, as many researchers and studies confirm that sodium bicarbonate as an ingredient of toothpaste increases the product’s teeth whitening properties. Some people completely replace the typical products by using baking soda as toothpaste.

Baking soda on teeth is helpful because of its moderate abrasive properties, as baking soda can dissociate the connections between molecules that cause tooth stains. Additionally, it has antibacterial and antimicrobial qualities that could aid in the fight against dangerous microorganisms.

Baking soda on canker sore

Small, uncomfortable ulcers called “canker sores” can develop inside an individual’s mouth. Canker sores do not develop on the lips and are not communicable, unlike cold sores.

Although further research is required, several earlier studies indicate that mouthwash containing baking soda reduces canker sore pain. In order to use it, one should rinse their mouth with the mixture once every day until the canker sore is completely healed.

Baking soda to lose weight

A common dietary supplement among athletes is baking soda, often known as sodium bicarbonate. According to several studies and research, using baking soda during high-intensity training, sprinting, or anaerobic workouts can help one perform longer at their best. The muscle cells begin creating lactic acid during high-intensity exercise, which is what causes the burning sensation people experience while exercising. Additionally, lactic acid reduces the pH in the cells, which can make the muscles fatigue. Due to its high pH, baking soda may help maintain the maximum level of performance for a longer period of time.

For instance, one study discovered that cyclists who used baking soda exercised for an additional 4.5 minutes on average than those who did not. Consumption of this supplement at levels of 0.13 grams per pound (0.3 grams per kilogram) of body weight may be beneficial. Although baking soda is said to aid in weight loss, there is scant evidence to support this claim. Numerous potential health concerns are linked to consuming significant doses of baking soda diluted in water, apple cider vinegar, or lemon juice.

Baking soda for hair

By helping to exfoliate the scalp, baking soda aids in removing unwelcome hair buildup. Some people feel the need to shampoo more frequently than is actually necessary because of product buildup, environmental filth, and overactive oil glands. The toxic ingredients found in many shampoos on the market dry out the hair, reducing its shine, smoothness, and manageability.

The ingredients needed for a baking soda hair wash include 4 tablespoons of baking soda, ¾ cup o water and lavender or tea tree essential oils, which are optional. When mixed together and shaken up, these form a semi-viscous paste that can easily be applied on the hair, starting with the roots all the way through the ends. After letting the mixture sit for one to three minutes, the hair should be rinsed thoroughly with warm water and then towel dried.

Baking soda on face

Some individuals regularly use baking soda as a face scrub or mask to help exfoliate dead skin cells or reduce inflammation. Right after cleansing their face with a facial cleanser, they combine a small amount of warm water with no more than 2 teaspoons of baking soda to make a paste. They can massage this into their skin simply by applying it with their fingertips.

How much baking soda is safe to drink daily? How much baking soda is toxic?

Most people can ingest up to 1/2 tsp per day without experiencing any negative side effects. Sodium bicarbonate can be synthesized by the human body naturally. Baking soda in small doses is typically safe to consume.

This may offer momentary indigestion relief in adults. Baking soda should not be used in excessive doses and should not be used on a long-term basis, during pregnancy, or in children. In excessive amounts, sodium bicarbonate can be poisonous. Baking soda overdose symptoms may include constipation, a feeling of satiety, vomiting, irritability and urinating more frequently than usual.

Is baking soda bad for you? Side effects and health risks of baking soda

Baking soda can be consumed in excess due to its high salt content. Along with more serious issues like seizures and kidney failure, a salt overload can also result in nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. It can potentially worsen GI issues when used as an antacid if it causes too much gas. Sadly, taking it just after a big meal might occasionally lead to a gut rupture. The National Capital Poison Center advises choosing safer products instead.

Even though baths with baking soda are often well tolerated, they aren’t recommended for some people, including women that are pregnant or breastfeeding, people that have high blood pressure, suffer from diabetes or are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, as well as those having any type of open wounds or severe infections. Using baking soda baths for babies is only recommended after consulting a pediatrician.

What are other uses of baking soda? Household uses of baking soda

Due to its many applications, which range from aiding oral care to cleaning countertops, baking soda is a useful all-purpose ingredient. Here is a detailed list of uses for households.

Deodorant- Unexpectedly, human sweat has no smell. Sweat doesn’t smell until microorganisms in your armpits break it down. Your perspiration is turned into acidic waste products by these bacteria, which gives sweat its odor. Although there is little evidence to support this theory, baking soda is frequently used as a natural deodorant to get rid of sweat’s stench by neutralizing its acidic smells. In order to use baking soda as deodorant, it needs to be patted onto the armpits or mixed with coconut oil or shea butter.

Fridge odor neutralizer- by eliminating unpleasant scents, baking soda can help a smelly fridge smell fresher. It’s interesting that it gets rid of the odor-causing particles rather than just covering them up. It is sufficient to fill a cup with baking soda and place it in the back of the refrigerator to try this method.

Air freshener- not all commercial air fresheners get rid of offensive smells. Others merely produce scent molecules that cover up other odors.

Additionally, less than 10% of air fresheners mention their ingredients. People who are allergic to certain compounds in air fresheners may have problems with this. Since baking soda is free of industrial chemicals and neutralizes odor particles, it is a secure substitute for commercial air fresheners. To use baking soda this way, it has to be mixed with essential oils in a jar, covered with a cloth or paper and then secured with a string or a ribbon.

Whitening agent for laundry- clothes can be cleaned and whitened on a budget by using baking soda. This is due to the fact that it’s an alkali—a soluble salt—that can aid in the removal of grime and stains. An alkali-like baking soda works by interacting with acids in stains when dissolved in water, according to an earlier study. Adding ½ cup of baking soda to the regular laundry detergent will do the trick.

Pesticide remover for fresh fruit and vegetables- the presence of pesticide residue in food worries a lot of people. Although many pesticides have negative impacts on human health, they are used to protect crops against weeds, rodents, insects, and other pests. The best technique to get rid of pesticides from fruit is to peel it. It also means you won’t acquire the essential elements, like fiber, vitamins, and minerals, that are present in many fruits’ skins. Interestingly, new research shows that washing produce with baking soda is the best technique to avoid peeling fruits and vegetables while also removing pesticides.

According to one study, soaking apples in a mixture of water and baking soda for 12 to 15 minutes practically completely eliminated any pesticide residue.

Oil and grease fire extinguishers- The presence of baking soda in various fire extinguishers is interesting. These kinds, often referred to as dry chemical fire extinguishers, are used to put out electrical, oil, and grease fires. Carbon dioxide is created when baking soda and heat react, putting out the fire. Baking soda can therefore be used to put out tiny oil and grease fires.

Kitchen cleaner- baking soda makes an excellent kitchen cleaner because of its adaptability. It may also aid in reducing the development of bacteria and mold when combined with an acid like lemon juice or vinegar. Many surfaces can be cleaned using the baking soda mixture, including ovens, stained cups, marble, clogged drains, microwaves and others.

Bathroom cleaner- bathrooms may be challenging to keep clean, much like kitchens. You constantly utilize their variety of surfaces, thus you must regularly clean them. Although there are many industrial bathroom cleaners available, many customers want more eco-friendly, economical cleaning solutions. Despite being less effective than commercial cleaners, baking soda is useful since it whitens and disinfects a variety of washroom surfaces: sinks, toilets, bathtubs, showers, and others.

Baking soda as an antiparasite – Does baking soda kill bed bugs?

There is no proof that using baking soda to kill bed bugs is 100% effective. This works to dry a bed bug’s body, according to the idea, because baking soda degrades when it comes into contact with water. Baking soda could also dry out bed bugs by absorbing the viscous fluids found on their exterior.

Additionally, the bed bug is supposed to bleed internally as a result of the tiny baking soda granules. It’s crucial to understand that baking soda won’t eliminate a whole infestation.

Homemade weed killer- because they frequently have deep roots, weeds are challenging to get rid of without the use of chemical weed killers. Notably, baking soda offers a more affordable and secure substitute.

This is so because weeds thrive in an unforgiving environment caused by baking soda’s high salt content. Several handfuls of baking soda should be applied to weeds that are growing in cracks in your driveway or sidewalk. To eradicate weeds in your flowerbeds and gardens, though, stay away from using baking soda as it could also harm your other plants.


In conclusion, baking soda is a versatile component with numerous uses outside of cooking. This common household item excels in cleaning and deodorizing because it can get rid of stubborn stains, and bad odors, and clean hard-to-reach places like the oven, microwave, and tile grout. Baking soda also provides a number of health advantages. For instance, it might reduce heartburn, improve athletic performance, or even whiten teeth. Baking soda is very affordable and commonly accessible.

Also known as sodium bicarbonate, the chemical compound has multiple benefits due to its adaptability. A simple, safe, and frequently effective way to take care of one’s skin and manage health conditions is to take baking soda baths. Other than being a good method of relaxation, these baths come with many health benefits, as they help treat different medical conditions, or at least ease their symptoms: urinary tract infections, yeast infections, and others. Another way to use baking soda for the treatment of certain issues is by consuming it (mixing it with water and drinking it). Additionally, specialists discovered that baking soda is very good for oral hygiene, so many people use it like toothpaste or mouthwash.

Source: icloudhospital

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