What is a study in IGCSE Accounting?

What is a study in IGCSE Accounting?


The purpose of accounting Sources and recording of data

• The double entry system of book-keeping
• Business documents
• Books of prime (original) entry
• The ledger

Verification of accounting records

• The trial balance
• Correction of errors
• Bank reconciliation
• Control accounts

Accounting procedures

• Capital and revenue expenditure and receipts
• Accounting for depreciation and disposal of non-current assets
• Other payables and other receivables
• Bad debts and provision for doubtful debts
• Valuation of inventory

Principles of financial statements

• Income statements
• Statements of financial position

Preparation of financial statements

• Sole traders
• Partnerships
• Limited liability companies
• Clubs and societies
• Manufacturing accounts
• Incomplete records

Analysis and interpretation

• Summary of commonly used ratios
• Interpretation of accounting ratios
• Inter-firm comparison
• Interested parties
• Limitations of accounting statements

Accounting principles and policies

• Accounting principles
• Accounting Policies

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