What happens if you drink red bean and barley water for a long time?

What happens if you drink red bean and barley water for a long time?

Can play the role of dampness and diuresis. Red bean and barley water is a common ingredients.

Red bean is sweet, sour, neutral in nature, non-toxic, and has the functions of removing dampness and strengthening the spleen, moisturizing the skin, and reducing swelling. Invigorating the spleen and stopping diarrhea, dispelling dampness and removing arthralgia and other effects, red bean and barley water can play a role in strengthening the spleen and stomach, diverting dampness and eliminating edema.

Does red bean and barley get heavier the more you drink it?

Won’t. Red bean and barley water is a soup with a dehumidifying effect. Proper drinking of red bean and barley water can dehumidify, and there will be no more and more moisture.

According to the “Compendium of Materia Medica”, the combination of red bean and barley can remove dampness, but according to life, the time for dietary conditioning to take effect is usually slow, and the human body also has a process for absorbing food.

Generally, the human body will have an adjustment in metabolism in about 28 days. After this period, a better dehumidification effect of red bean and barley can be seen. It is recommended to eat red bean and barley together with Gorgon , purslane, pale bamboo leaves, locust rice, and green tea.

Can you drink red bean barley water every day?

If there is no problem with your physical constitution, you don’t need to drink red bean and barley water every day. If the body is damp and cold, you can drink red bean and barley water every day. The main raw materials of red bean and barley water are red beans and barley.

The red bean and barley water contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, which have the effect of diuretic and dampness. The red bean and barley water itself is non-toxic. It is cold in nature and should not be eaten too much, otherwise it will damage the righteousness of the spleen and stomach, resulting in weakness of the spleen and stomach.

Generally, it is recommended to drink 200-300 ml a day. In addition, people with weak gastrointestinal function should not take it every day, otherwise it will easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort. .

Can you drink red bean and barley water during menstruation?

It is recommended not to drink red bean and barley water during menstruation. The nature of red bean and barley water is cold and cool. Women’s physical fitness during menstruation is poor, and their resistance is relatively low at this time. If they drink too much red bean and barley water, it may aggravate the coldness in the body, which is not good for health. Coix seed oil contained in barley will stimulate uterine smooth muscle, and it may stimulate menstrual pain during menstruation. Therefore, it is best not to drink red bean barley water during menstruation.


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