What foods can you eat to get black hair?

What food to eat

Yellow hair refers to dry and yellow hair, the main reasons are: lack of certain trace elements, improper diet and so on. In response to the situation of yellow hair, you should pay attention to a balanced diet in your life, eat less sugar, too much fat, and foods that are likely to cause too much acid in the blood. Appropriately eat more foods rich in iodine, calcium and protein, such as kelp , seaweed , fish, fresh milk, eggs , and soy products. At the same time, you should eat more iron-containing foods, because iron has an inhibitory effect on acidic foods.

What foods can I eat?

  • Yolk
  • Tofu skin
  • Cabbage
  • Milk
  • Mushroom
  • Carrot
  • Egg
  • Kelp
  • Seaweed



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