What did the ancient Dian Kingdom hairstyle look like?

Hair Accessories

For those who are domestic slaves or civilians, women often comb their hair and fold it into a long bun, which looks like a saddle; men usually put their hair in a bun on the top of their head and wrap it with a belt.

In the bronze patterns, those who are depicted as the objects of headhunting, or as human sacrifices during sacrifices, or as commodities counting and trading with cattle, horses, etc., are the slaves with the lowest status. Both men and women have braided hair and curly heads.

Hair buns are generally fixed with hairpins.


Large earrings made of jade and stone have been unearthed from Dian sites such as Shizhai Mountain in Jinning and Lijia Mountain in Jiangchuan. “Huayang Guozhi Nanzhong Zhi” and “Later Han Shu Nanyi Biography” record that in ancient Yunnan, there was “Dan Erman”, “Qi Qushuai called himself the king, and his ears were three inches below the household, while ordinary people only reached the shoulders. “.

Neck and Arm Ornaments

On the neck and arms, the people of the ancient Dian Kingdom liked to make various decorations with natural gemstones such as jade and agate, with a simple and simple style. For example, the following two items:

Bare Feet

The fact that the ancient Dian people had many legs was determined by the natural and geographical environment in which the Dian people lived. Those who wear shoes, their appearance and clothing are not the main ethnic group of Dian Kingdom. The custom of bare feet continues to this day.

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