What are the characteristics of the buildings in the ancient Dian Kingdom?

Most of the people in Dian live by the water, in “dry stilt” buildings, which are divided into two floors, the upper floor is for people to live in, and the lower floor is used to raise cattle and sheep. In the later period, they mainly lived in dry wells or dry buildings. There are also semi-crypt buildings. In addition, cultural relics such as copper pillows and copper towns have been unearthed in Shizhai Mountain and Lijia Mountain.

Dry column buildings, that is, dry column nests, are houses above the ground built on wooden (bamboo) column frames. The earliest stilt-style building discovered by archeology is the Hemudu stilt-style building. This kind of building uses bamboo and wood as the main building materials, and it is mainly a two-story building. Animals and sundries are stocked on the lower floor, and people live on the upper floor.

The stilt building can be earthquake-proof and so on. There are also names such as Ganlan, Qianlan, Gaolan, Gelan and Gelan in ancient Chinese history books. In addition, the gate dwelling, nest dwelling, etc. mentioned in the general literature generally refer to stilted buildings.

This kind of architecture is suitable for those who live in places with a lot of rain and humidity. It is mainly popular in more remote areas of China, including central and western Guangxi, southeastern Yunnan, southwestern Guizhou and northern Vietnam. Other countries also have stilt buildings.

The stilt-style building is one of the important architectural forms since the Neolithic age in the south of the Yangtze River in China, and Hemudu is the earliest one discovered so far. The main function of the stilt house is to isolate the house from the ground to achieve effective moisture resistance. In addition, it also has the effect of effectively utilizing the space and allowing one room to be used for multiple purposes.

The form of residence is closely related to the natural and economic conditions of the life of each nation. In the south, people live in “dry stilt” houses similar to nesting, that is, two-story buildings with bamboo and wood structures. The lower floors raise cattle, pigs and other livestock, and the upper floors live in people, which can prevent the humidity of the southern climate and avoid various ferocious beasts. Bug snake.

The “dry column” type of building should be built mainly to prevent moisture. The roof with long ridges and short eaves and the underframe above the ground are all designed to meet the needs of rainy areas. Zhaju-style pottery houses all represent moisture-proof architectural forms, especially the intention of adopting this form in warehouse buildings is more obvious.

Grid-dwelling is more prevalent in modern Southeast Asia to meet the needs of humidity and rain. Dai folk houses are divided into three types: stilt-style buildings, ground-level buildings, and soil palm houses. The stilt-style buildings are mainly distributed in the whole area of ​​Xishuangbanna and Ruili, Dehong Prefecture, and Zhefangbazi.

The stilt-style housing is made of bamboo and wood, the wood is used as the frame, and the bamboo is used as the purlin, 掾, floor, wall, ladder, railing, etc. The connection of each part is tied with mortise and tenon and bamboo strips. It is a single building. It is a self-contained courtyard, and each house is connected by a path. The roof is made of grass or tiles. Ruili’s stilt-style buildings reflect a high level.

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