What are the artistic features of “The Story of Lamentation on the West Terrace”

The full text of “The Story of Crying on the West Terrace” has deep meaning and euphemistic excuses. In order to avoid the literary network of the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty, the language is often hidden, but the sorrow and pain and the feeling of crying and swallowing blood cannot be concealed.

This is a narrative prose that remembers the anti-Yuan heroes and promotes the righteousness of the nation. The article was written many years after Wen Tianxiang’s death. The author’s emotions have been accumulated for a long time, and the author’s emotions have deepened over time; in addition, under the high-handed rule of the Yuan people, there are many things that he dare not say clearly, and his heart is extremely depressed. Once written, the more tragic and moving.

In the article, the author shows this emotion through “three cries” at different times and places: the first cry was at Fuchai’s platform in Gusu, because Wen Tianxiang once served as a deacon in Suzhou, and his dying day also happened at the The year when I first cried; I continued to cry at the stage of the King of Yue in Kuaiji, because Wen Tianxiang was ordered to envoy Yuan to pass through the stage of the King of Yue. I have great admiration for Yan Ziling, an ancient man of high integrity.

Xie Ao’s sacrifice was a mourning for a hero who died for his country, and it was a mourning for an anti-Yuan Song soldier in the Yuan Dynasty under the rule of the Yuan people. This required a certain amount of courage and risked beheading. Crying for a hero who died for the country is, in essence, crying for the dead country. Therefore, Xie Ao’s mourning has its own characteristics of being limited by time, place and environment.

Xie Ao’s crying was basically unable to make a sound, trying to avoid letting outsiders hear it, it was his own heart crying blood alone. After the founding of the Yuan Dynasty, the ruling net spread all over the world, and the rulers took strict precautions against the people to prevent the people of their homeland from rebelling.

When Xie Ao mourned Wen Tianxiang in Xitai, “there was a fault of love”, which shows the danger of the situation. The dangerous environment determines the complexity and confusion in the writing of the article, and the hesitation when speaking. It is not clear who the person who was buried was, but he was named Tang Prime Minister Lu Guogong Yan Zhenqing. Expressed, but only replaced by A, B, C.

The more complicated and confusing, the more profound and long-lasting the emotion can be shown. Therefore, Xie Ao’s worship is basically the best possible form, and the whole worship process is described in great detail. For example, there are three levels of mourning before the sacrifice, during the sacrifice and after the sacrifice. There are two small levels of invitation and pathfinding.

“One day first”, that is, an invitation with friends, not a temporary get-together, to express the sincerity of mourning and sacrifice; Yuan soldiers came in and out, “return, and rule the sacrificial utensils with Bangren”, a word “return” fully reflects the meticulousness and meticulousness of the worshippers. Then enter the formal description of the crying sacrifice process, the words are concise and full of emotion.

Crying, again and again, there are two kneeling and worshiping procedures, which are extremely prepared for sacrificial rituals. Thinking of the old, thinking of myself, thinking of the homeland, “if you are lost”, “weeping and worshiping”, the feelings have reached the point of sadness.

But at this time, I feel that “there are clouds coming from the south”, as if the clouds have intentions, and all things mourn together, which makes people feel the depth of love and meaning. And “strike the stone with bamboo wishful thinking” and compose “Chu song” to summon the soul, it is sorrowful to the point of despair.

Bamboos and stones are broken, and the heroes who died for the country are also destroyed. The reality makes people helpless, so desperate that there is no hope. The shocking questions of the “list people” and the suggestion of “moving to the top of the list” constitute a dangerous environment. The description of the two snowstorms exaggerates the atmosphere, expresses emotion in the scene, and expresses the author’s bleak compassion. Composing poems in the boat at dusk, and composing poems at night again, and every two times, the poetic sentiment enriches the literary sentiment.

After the ceremony, the four of them confessed to each other meticulously, but “returning alone with Bing”, and the specific whereabouts, seemed hesitant and confused. The confusion of the writing reflects the danger of the current situation. The feeling of “A” crossing the river suspected of divine help is an illusion of the soul, which is reversed to reveal the sincerity and sincerity of mourning.

The “A” book after the farewell aroused the author’s sorrow: “Woohoo! Ruan infantry died, and the empty mountain has no cry for a thousand years.” Ruan Ji was in the dangerous situation of the Jin Dynasty and Wei Dynasty, pretending to be crazy and drinking, “when he drove alone, he couldn’t help the road, the track was poor, and he cried and turned back”, his crazy behavior contained a deep sense of grief. Xie Ao just cited Ruan Ji as the same tune, found his bosom friend a thousand years ago, and expressed his anger. As for “God’s Help”, the author is suspicious and credible, but he regards it as “beautiful as well”, because this time the mourners are the heroes of the nation, and the author and his friends express their feelings with all sincerity.

The author tried to imitate Sima Qian’s “Ji Han Yue Biao” and wrote “Ji Song Yue Biao” to show that the Song Dynasty had perished and the orthodoxy was gone, which once again showed his strong national standpoint. Although the blood is fertile in the Central Plains and the turmoil is rampant, “people today do not have a lingering heart” and feel a deep sense of loneliness, but looking to the future, “the people in the future must have a lingering heart”, and their emotions return to firmness and high spirits. The author is still looking forward to the future.

The huge contradiction between the deep-seated mourning for Wen Tianxiang and the fear of the bloody and authoritarian environment under the rule of the Yuan Dynasty stipulates the unique artistic expression form of this article. This “spring and autumn brushwork” is more helpful to express the author’s grief and national spirit.

The “crying” of the title is contrary to the words, which makes people feel overwhelmed. The names of Han and Tang Dynasties are used, the surname is anonymous, the year name of the Yuan Dynasty is not written, but Jiazi is called, etc., all show the author’s unspeakable secrets and his clear stand of never submitting to the Yuan Dynasty. The style of writing can be described as gloomy and frustrating, with three sighs, tears of pain splashing all over the paper, and iron hooks and silver bullets, making this a tearful and bloody work.


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