Well Intended Love Season 2 (2020) 奈何BOSS要娶我 2 Episode 7 Recap

Well Intended Love Season 2 (2020) 奈何BOSS要娶我 2 Episode 7 Recap

After Ling Yizhou moved happily to Xia Lin’s house, not only was he free from restraint, but he also made it his own home, mainly against guests. This could not help the hostess Xia Lin wore a fire, but had nowhere else to go. I want to drive Ling Yizhou away, but the other person is helpless and occupies his bedroom and refuses to leave. He can only commit himself to the guest room. Even the password of the password lock at home is also effortless by Ling Yizhou. Cracked.

When Lu Chuyan was filming, she received a call from the housekeeper. After learning that her father was admitted to the hospital due to overwork and a heart attack, she asked the crew to take a vacation and immediately rushed to the hospital. Knowing the difficulties of his own company from the steward’s mouth, Chu Yan understood his father’s hard work and decided to give up his acting career and go home to help his father through the difficulties together.

The Ling Ling Group passed the crisis safely. Ling Yizhou and his partner Cheng Cheng were happy for a while and drank a few more glasses. When Xia Lin received a call from Wen Li and hurried to the door of the clubhouse, Ling Yizhou was already drunk and unconscious. Xia Lin tried his best to help him back home, but he was driven home in the underground parking lot. Chu Yan saw him passing by. Chu Yan saw Ling Yizhou and Xia Lin living together. It is not sad to leave after the ground has come.

In the early morning of the next day, Ling Yizhou just woke up and received a WeChat from Wen Li. After hearing that President Chu was sick and admitted to the hospital, he rushed directly to the hospital for a visit. Chu Yan sent Ling Yizhou out. Ling Yizhou heard that Chu Yan would rather give up his acting career and help his father out of the predicament. After Ling Yizhou gave him some business advice out of good intentions, the two shifted the topic. To the interaction between Ling Yizhou and Xia Lin. At this time, Chu Yan has slowly accepted the feelings of Ling Yizhou and Xia Lin, and hopes that Ling Yizhou can cherish Xia Lin, a good girl, but does not want Ling Yizhou to have a ambition for Xia Lin.

In the evening, Ling Yizhou managed to finish his work and was ready to go to Xia Lin for dinner. However, Wen Li was told that Xia Lin and Jia Fei went to the fitness club to find a personal trainer and immediately took Wen Li. Rush to the health club where the two are sitting.


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