Well-being at work as a new way of life

Well-being at work as a new way of life

Have you ever felt that We are anything at work. To be yourself Working atmosphere Join hands Can talk all day without boredom. 7-8 hours, feel quickly passed that is a sign that Your office should be pleasant and workable.

On the other hand, if you come to work every day But happiness is only for one day Is the date the salary was issued Each day he sat and looked at the clock. Waiting for when the time will expire. Because feeling bored by people who are bored with work That is a warning sign that The office is not worth working. And worse It may also affect your quality of life.

Like that, when the workplace is this important What should a good place be? And in the future, will the work style be changed?

It is a good opportunity that The Office of the Health Promotion Fund (SSO), in collaboration with bookscape, organizes a seminar on “The Science and Art of Creating the Best Workplace in the Modern World. The Best Place to Work” Drive knowledge of child and family health promotion And youth capacity development. People must be at work no less than 8 hours per day, excluding travel time. Therefore, the quality of time that is available for family members is reduced.

But if the time can be changed from 8-10 hours to become a balanced work time with employee health care Believe that the most popular disease among workers. Like office syndrome will decrease Especially if taking a nap for 15 minutes, waking up to ensure that the brain is clear Good work, no stress. More enthusiasm for job development While the rate of absenteeism late or even the resignation is reduced.

“The role of the workplace is important. In terms of helping to create living conditions Allowing employees to perform duties towards the family whether children or parents entering the old age.

The way of thinking about work and personal life is about generation. People of different ages and ages think differently. New generations tend to focus on personal life. Meaning that if the work does not match with life then is ready to change to a new job The more the situation of Covid-19 Get involved The office is no longer meaningful. Because you can work from a distance or anywhere.

For the direction of work in the new era, the work will change from the original

  1. Do not need an office Every place can be a work place. Every position can work anywhere. The company will have only the necessary space. No need to have offices for various departments anymore.
  2. Work as a contract The company is no longer the owner of the life. But will be a responsible job To achieve the company’s target.
  3. Be flexible in work, such as not paying attention to the time in and out of the workplace. But depends on the result of the job’s success.
  4. Open working options Because each person’s working conditions are not the same Not making a single policy so that everyone is subject to the same treatment.
  5. There are challenges to encourage courage to trial and error. Will attract new generations to be interested in working with Because the salary may not be an incentive like in the past.

The thing that has been trying all the time is to give more time to talk. Considered very important recently work has been completed faster not because we work harder but caused by dealing with unnecessary workloads.


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