War Flowers 乱世丽人行 Episode 46 Recap

War Flowers 乱世丽人行 Episode 46 Recap

Xie Ruoxue refused to help Han Weisong cheat money, Han Weisong became furious and added fist to Xie Ruoxue. Xie Ruoxue had been hollowed out by opium, and she was pregnant again, and she soon passed out. At this time, Li Wenxuan came to Shanghai to find Han Shuying, told her that she had a secret mission to come to Shanghai, and took Xie Ruoxue back by the way. Han Shuying was curious why Xie Ruoxue went to Li Wenxuan with joy, but the two of them were at this point. Li Wenxuan just said that he owed too much to Xie Ruoxue, and refused to say what he had done.

At this moment, Xie Ruoxue turned around, struggling to climb to the phone, called Han Shuying, and Han Shuying hurriedly sent Xie Ruoxue to the hospital. In the hospital, Dr. Chen told Han Shuying that Xie Ruoxue was not only addicted to drugs but also had been pregnant for two months. Li Wenxuan heard all this clearly. Li Wenxuan caught Han Weisong, disregarding the comrades’ obstruction, and pressed Han Weisong to the ground to fight. In a turmoil, Han Weisong fell off the stairs and quickly died. The news of Han Weisong’s death made Han Shuying very sad, because Han Weisong was her cousin after all. After that, Li Wenxuan went to the hospital to see Xie Ruoxue.

At this time, Xie Ruoxue was very uncomfortable because of compulsory detoxification. When she saw Li Wenxuan, she first blamed him for why he did not come when he was waiting for him at the train station. Li Wenxuan asked for money to buy opium. Li Wenxuan was very sad to see her like this, but it was impossible to buy her opium. She had to bite herself to relieve her pain. Han Shuying arranged for Xie Ruoxue to follow Li Wenxuan. At the entrance of the train station, Xie Ruoxue asked Li Wenxuan to buy some food for herself. After opening Li Wenxuan, she secretly ran away. Li Wenxuan had an urgent task, so he had to get on the train first. He entrusted Han Shuying to help Xie Ruoxue.

Han Shuying returned to the Youth League Store and saw Xie Ruoxue. It turned out that Xie Ruoxue planned to give birth to the child, but did not want Li Wenxuan to be wronged, so she decided to let Li Wenxuan do his big thing, and she stayed to learn how to love. Besides, Xie Tianci became very decadent due to the loss of Han Shuying, and Muto Yoshio was very angry. He threatened Xie Tianci to die again and killed Han Shuying. Subsequently, Muto Jif let Xie Tianci go to investigate the missing Japanese cargo ship at sea. thing. Xie Tianci is about to leave to Fushun, he finds Han Shuying to say goodbye.

Han Shuying immediately told Ji Xuan and He Chutian of the news, and Ji Xuan soon formulated an assassination plan against Muto Jif. Han Shuying helped him in his dinner at He Chutian’s house, and both knew that the assassination of Muto Jif this time was probably a farewell. The next day, before the action, Ji Xuan told He Chutian that his real name was Xia Shuyuan and asked him to remember his name. In action, Ji Xuan soon discovered that their plan could not succeed Merit. After Ji Xuan was hit by a bullet, he urged He Chutian to leave, and then, in order not to be captured, she chose to commit suicide.

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