Under the Microscope (2023) 显微镜下的大明 Episode 8 Recap & Review

Under the Microscope (2023) 显微镜下的大明 Episode 8 Recap and Review

Episode 8: Feng Biyu Rescues Feng Baoyu

Feng Baoyu stayed at the old man’s house to cultivate his health. He saw the old man’s daughter cooking meat today, and happily picked up a piece of meat and ate it. When he heard the other party said it was rat meat, he thought it was real and was scared and prepared to spit it out.

The people next to him couldn’t help laughing at his funny appearance, and she later explained to Feng Baoyu that it was rabbit meat, because she was very lucky to catch two rabbits on the mountain this month, and the old man’s daughter also stewed it eat meat.

When she finished eating, she and her father took turns exchanging work. After Feng Baoyu learned about the situation, he also knew the hardships of the family. The woman also told him about the family situation. There were three strong men in the family before. Life is very tight, but I can continue to live, but the government tax is heavy in the future. In addition to the regular tax twice a year, there are some messy miscellaneous taxes. There is nothing left throughout the year. The government tax is fixed. If the rich pay less for poverty, others will pay more.

Looking at the scholar in front of her, the old man’s daughter couldn’t understand why the richer people paid less tax, this also made Feng Baoyu very puzzled. Fang County Magistrate also learned about Feng Baoyu and Shuai Jiamo running from Lanxi to Tongyang County while playing chess, but on the other side Liu Jing was playing black and white backgammon with Huang Zhifu, Liu Jing also explained to Huang Zhifu He had already seen Chen Tiao, the inside angle was difficult, and he took advantage of the general situation. The magistrate also knew that he was in a tight siege, so he had no choice but to make the immediate plan, and he did not expect that the chessboard was overturned in the end.

This time Liu Jing was eye-opening. The case about Rending Sijuan was going to continue. He was going to win the game and restore the situation he lost in Lanxi before. He had to kill a chicken to respect the monkey.

Feng Biyu who was in the house soon learned that her younger brother was in deep trouble, and she was ready to leave immediately. Cheng Renqing quickly ran over, and he told the other party that Feng Baoyu could not be saved at all, and also revealed to everyone that the sea arrest document was his own. handwriting.

Feng Cheng next to him heard this and was angry and ready to fight him. Feng Biyu, who had been standing beside him for a long time, also quickly stood up to stop him. No, it will harm him instead, and the only way to save him is to let her give her brother as much justice as she wants.

Afterwards, Feng Biyu also reluctantly followed Cheng Renqing’s request and handed over all her money to the other party. After Cheng Renqing gave her countermeasures, he did not take the money away.

On the other side, Feng Baoyu was also known of his whereabouts by the officers and soldiers. He had no choice but to leave the uncle’s house. Before leaving, he handed over his personal jade pendant to the uncle’s daughter, and asked her to take good care of it for him. After returning, he He also had a face-to-face meeting with Shuai Jiamo, and the two of them were handcuffed with bracelets and set off on the road. On the road, Lu Feilong pretended to be a captor and wanted to escort the two of them, but was rejected by the other party one by one.

Feng Biyu quickly found Fangzhi County in order to save his younger brother, and begged him to carry the ticket to Anfu. On the way to escort Shuai Jiamo, when he met his father’s fellow villager, the other party also met him when he was a child, and about childhood memories Shuai Jiamo couldn’t remember clearly at all, and the old man even helped him recall the past.

It was a once-in-a-ten-year calamity year, and the crops were not harvested. The county has a tradition of worshiping the Dragon King. When the weather is good, the Dragon King is respected. He also wanted to make a deal with Shuai Jiamo, let him withdraw the lawsuit against Rending Sijuan, and he would tell the contents of the book that he remembered, but Shuai Jiamo didn’t hesitate at all, he didn’t agree to the other party’s request at all .

After continuing on the road, Lu Feilong and his men also rushed to their side, and planned to find a place with a treasured geomantic omen to attack them, but Lu Feilong’s plan failed, and Feng Baoyu and Shuai Jiamo were sent back safely In the prison in Lanxi County, when the censors heard that Shuai Jiamo had come here again, they also panicked.

Fan Lao’s side also learned about Shuai Jiamo and Feng Baoyu’s situation, but he didn’t panic at all, and was going to continue to use his official face to solve the current matter.

Soon after, Shuai Jiamo’s father’s old friend came to find him in prison again, trying to persuade Shuai Jiamo to stop looking for the truth.

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