Under the Microscope (2023) 显微镜下的大明 Episode 7 Recap & Review

Under the Microscope (2023) 显微镜下的大明 Episode 7 Recap and Review

Episode 7: Feng Baoyu and Shuai Jiamo Are Framed

There was a sea of ​​fire everywhere in the warehouse, and the servants were fetching water to extinguish the fire vigorously. At this time, Feng Baoyu and Shuai Jiamo were lying unconscious on the ground, and Lu Feilong was going to burn them alive. Things will be solved together. As he said that, he was about to kill two people with his hands. Cheng Renqing who was next to him rushed to stop him and told him that the meaning of doing it now is completely different. Now the story of the fire in the warehouse has spread, but they died outside , This is to tell others that there must be something strange about this matter, and Liu Jing will also become suspicious if he does so.

Lu Feilong was going to put them back after killing them, but he gave up as soon as he thought of someone outside. Cheng Renqing quickly thought of a good way, he needed the people next to him to cooperate with him to complete a play. His subordinates quickly reported to Liu Jingbing that there were scraps of paper and remnants of the wooden frame inside, and there was no sign of a burnt body. When Liu Jing asked the people next to him, they also said that Shuai Jiamo stayed here on his own initiative yesterday. , and the only person who has seen Shuai Jiamo is the old butler.

When the old official came, he told Liu Jing in a panic that he went to lock the door today and saw two scholars saying that Mr. Shuai was still in the warehouse, and there was a man named Feng Baoyu inside, and then the two had a quarrel, and then I also reminded them that the door was going to be locked, but the young master lost his temper and kicked them out, saying that he was doing something for Liu Jing.

After talking about everything, the old official knelt on the ground and begged for mercy. Cheng Renqing, who was next to him, stood up to speak when the time was ripe, and guessed that Shuai Jiamo and Feng Baoyu had caused such a crime because they accidentally knocked down the candle because of the quarrel. After hearing this, Jing couldn’t believe what Cheng Renqing said. He thought that the other party was just speculating out of thin air and could not prove anything.

Cheng Renqing analyzed to Liu Jing that if they were not the perpetrators, they should continue to stay instead of fleeing, which also made the other party suspicious. Cheng Renqing then ran up to Mr. Fan, and after Mr. Fan knew that he handled these matters calmly in the face of danger, he praised him a lot, and then came up with an idea to tie Shuai Jiamo and Feng Baoyu to other places. In the distance, let them take the blame.

Feng Baoyu and Shuai Jiamo who were brought out by Lu Feilong woke up quickly. They cut the rope together and fled into the woods. Feng Baoyu accidentally injured his leg on the way, so Shuai Jiamo had to stop quickly and take him away together. , When Lu Feilong arrived, they had disappeared. Afterwards, they entered a woman’s house to investigate the situation. The two of them stayed aside and insisted that they did not know. The suspicious Lu Feilong went straight to the cellar regardless of their persuasion. When he came out, he was completely shocked. , The subordinates also carried him away.

Shuai Jiamo and Feng Baoyu continued to stay in the house. During the rest, Shuai Jiamo recalled the scene of the fire. He also understood that the Rending Sijuan case was inextricably linked to the cause of his father’s death. After getting settled, Feng Baoyu continued to stay in this family’s home to heal his wounds, while Shuai Jiamo went to Tongyang County alone. He was soon detained by Deng Siqi, the county magistrate. At a critical moment, Shuai Jiamo told the county magistrate, I came up with an excellent method, which can prove the case of Rending Sijuan without the need for a treasury.

Soon, Fan Lao also learned about the situation of Shuai Jiamo and Feng Baoyu. Lu Feilong blamed himself and punished himself beside him. Cheng Renqing who was next to him was ready to set off immediately to convict the two of them. However, Fan Lao Interrupt him from doing so. Shuai Jiamo and Deng Siqi stayed together, and the two also compared Zhang Tian’s algorithm together. When the latter finished the calculation, Shuai Jiamo calculated the final result one step earlier, which made the other party admire him very much.

Shuai Jiamo also told the county magistrate that he had always had a problem in his heart that he couldn’t solve. Why was he not at home the day the house flooded? If, as Cheng Renqing said, his parents committed suicide in fear of crime, why did they But he just left himself. After Deng Siqi listened to the words, he comforted Shuai Jiamo to let go of his obsession, and then he planned to write a book and send him to Lanxi to find Maozhi County to find out.

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