Under the Microscope (2023) 显微镜下的大明 Episode 6 Recap & Review

Under the Microscope (2023) 显微镜下的大明 Episode 6 Recap and Review

Episode 6: Shuai Jiamo and Feng Baoyu are in danger

Afterwards, Lu Feilong asked his subordinates to keep a close eye on the movements of Shuai Jiamo and Feng Baoyu. He also knew that the other party entered the procuratorate, and his subordinates also asked the sweepers. It was them who entered, Lu Feilong This was very strange, he had always thought that the two of them were going back to Renhua County.

Shuai Jiamo and Feng Baoyu came to the county magistrate Liu Jing, and directly took out their own complaints. After the county magistrate read them, his evaluation of them was a bluff, and he was not prepared to let the two of them be here After getting a cheap deal, he dismissed their pleadings without saying a word, threw down the note, and drove the two of them to leave quickly. At the critical moment, Feng Baoyu had to take out the pleading written by Shuai’s family and submit it. After reading it, the magistrate was very interested in the pleading written by him, and invited the two people to the backstage.

The county magistrate also clearly knew a chief writer and a rewrite through the certificate, and the person who rewritten the pen was his old acquaintance Huang Zhifu. He felt that Ding Sijuan’s pleadings were common sense, and it was within the scope of his authority. If he didn’t accept it, he would feel sorry for his identity. Afterwards, Liu Jing also officially took over the case. After hearing this, Shuai Jiamo hurriedly stood up, wanting the branch line to lead everyone to the price library to check the situation. After he was ready, he arranged everything to start the matter.

Just when Shuai Jiamo and Feng Baoyu were happily preparing to leave, the county magistrate asked them the real reason why they were so enthusiastic about running around and revealing the truth. If they win, there will be no benefit for the two of them. If they lose, they will only lose their reputation. He still believes in each other There must be something else hidden. Feng Baoyu hurriedly disregarded the relationship, Shuai Jiamo just felt that the numerical error needed to be corrected, and he had no other reason.

On the way, Feng Baoyu was very envious of Shuai Jiamo’s innocence, he felt that everyone who picked up the silk case had his own purpose. Behind him, Lu Feilong and his brother followed Shuai Jiamo and Feng Baoyu closely. They found that the other party had been traveling with the official sedan chair, and civilians were not allowed around the official sedan chair. The people left quickly.

Liu Jing didn’t intend to go back to Renhua County. He also told Feng Baoyu and the others not to disclose the news to Huang Zhifu, and immediately set off for the destination. Lu Feilong on the other side rushed back to the city overnight to report the truth to Fan Lao. In Lanxi County, Mao Zhixian was practicing kung fu in the house, and his subordinates also praised him. After getting the news, Mao Zhixian also rushed to Liu Jing with a knife in his hand. After learning his identity, he He still didn’t believe the other party’s true identity, and only believed his identity after reading the official seal.

When he was changing his clothes, he unexpectedly found out that Shuai Jiamo had come with Liu Jing, and he even called for his servants to invite Cheng Renqing to the house for discussion. After Mao Zhixian went back to worship Liu Jing, the other party asked him to open the cabinet to check the situation. Mao Zhixian repeatedly obstructed him, but Liu Jing’s attitude was very tough, so he had to retreat. Afterwards, Liu Jing sent his confidants to accompany Shuai Jiamo to go in to investigate. Feng Baoyu outside the door had been waiting for him at the door, and he happened to bump into Cheng Renqing who had rushed over.

Under Cheng Renqing’s temptation, Feng Baoyu went to another place to play cards with everyone. At the poker table, Cheng Renqing also followed Feng Baoyu’s words step by step. After discovering the date on the book, he turned around and told Fan Ye all the information he had obtained, and several people discussed the silk case again. Afterwards, Mr. Fan also met Liu Jing in person, and Mao Zhixian led the two of them to the restaurant to pick up the wind and clean up the dust. When it was time for dinner, Shuai Jiamo also received threats from others in the box.

In the dim room, Lu Feilong tied Feng Baoyu to meet Shuai Jiamo and asked him to hand over the evidence to himself. The next two people were also set on fire by Lu Feilong and others and tied up in the room. Shuai Jiamo looked at the front of his eyes In the sea of ​​flames, he recalled bad memories again. The whereabouts of the two were also unknown afterwards. Liu Jing on the wine table soon learned of the news of the murder, and was angry and prepared to investigate to the end.

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