Under the Microscope (2023) 显微镜下的大明 Episode 5 Recap & Review

Under the Microscope (2023) 显微镜下的大明 Episode 3 Recap and Review

Episode 5: Feng Baoyu and Shuai Jiamo go to the provincial capital to sue

Feng Baoyu accompanied Shuai Jiamo on the road, preparing to go to the provincial capital to file a lawsuit. On the way, Feng Baoyu also asked Shuai Jiamo a test, but Shuai Jiamo thought of an interesting question. He assumed that the two people came from Renhuai County. Go to the provincial capital to maintain the current speed. At the same time, Renhua County issued a document and sent it to the provincial capital through a courier shop.

Cheng Ren ran to the restaurant to pass the time in a leisurely and boring manner. Upstairs, he couldn’t help but recited a collection of poems, but the woman next to him couldn’t understand the meaning he wanted to express. He opened his eyes and saw that his subordinates came down to report to Mr. Fan to discuss something with him.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Cheng Renqing hurried to Fan Lao’s mansion. When he asked what happened to Fan Lao, he also accidentally learned from the people next to him that Shuai Jiamo had gone to the provincial capital to sue, and Fan Lao was also beside him. Blaming him for his mistakes, he didn’t take Shuai Jiamo seriously at all, thinking that the other party’s going would be for nothing, and the government offices in this provincial capital are intricate and complicated, and there are many joints, and he is just an idiot.

I don’t know how to post. When he saw Fan Lao’s gloomy expression after he finished speaking, he quickly changed his words and reported that he was going to the provincial capital immediately to make up for it. Fan Lao also told the other party sternly that he did not despise anyone, nor ignored any possibility.

On the road to the provincial capital, the street is very lively and brightly lit, and there are all kinds of wonderful street performances at night, so Feng Baoyu and Shuai Jiamo stop here to watch, watching the sparks on the stage, gradually aroused The unfortunate memories of Shuai Jiamo’s childhood, he recalled the tragedy of his own family when he was young, and when Feng Baoyu rushed to Shuai Jiamo, he saw him curled up in a corner of the wall and sweating on his forehead. After the two returned to the inn, Shuai Jiamo also told Feng Baoyu that his father gave him a book before he died.

On the other side, Cheng Renqing hurried to the nearby inn. He also wanted to stop here, but the boss in the inn did not allow him to do so. He also explained that the inn here was prepared for court officials. Cheng Renqing took out the brochure given to him by Fan Laoyu without saying a word after listening to it, and let the clerk see it clearly. Feng Baoyu and Shuai Jiamo also happened to meet Zhuang Santi at the inn. He didn’t want to be involved in this matter. After reading the papers they carried, he decided to write a new copy for them. After that, he also told Feng Baoyu and the others that the two The matter of suing the dead provincial capital will not make them smooth.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Zhuang Santi, Feng Baoyu followed him to the Yamen, and he asked Shuai Jiamo to wait for him to come back here. When Shuai Jiamo was at the same place, his cat accidentally slipped out of his arms Slipped away, ran to the street, and surprised Cheng Renqing’s horse, which also rushed forward, and he just happened to pass by Shuai Jiamo on top, and his eyes met. Take the horse and fall into the ditch.

The common people on the stage were all around watching the excitement, Shuai Jiamo also rushed into the water to rescue the opponent without saying a word, Cheng Renqing who came up also emphasized that he could swim, but he was still very grateful to Shuai Jiamo for helping him Save, before leaving, he did not forget to tell Shuai Jiamo that since he came to the provincial capital, he would definitely prevent them from going in to file a lawsuit.

Cheng Renqing had a reunion with his old classmates, and he also talked about the old past when he was framed. Shuai Jiamo and Feng Baoyu lined up to submit the slips, but after queuing for a long time, they still didn’t realize the intention to ask them to go in. After going out, Shuai Jiamo suddenly remembered what Cheng Renqing said, and knew that he was the one who did it.

After that, Feng Baoyu took Shuai Jiamo to go to Yanzhou City together, and they happened to meet Cheng Renqing on the way, but Feng Baoyu didn’t take what the other party said at all. At night, Feng Baoyu and Shuai Jiamo stayed at the inn but were assassinated and almost lost their lives. Officers and soldiers also rushed to the scene at a critical moment and checked the villagers one by one. Feng Jiabao also found that Lu Feilong was also among the crowd .

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