Under the Microscope (2023) 显微镜下的大明 Episode 4 Recap & Review

Under the Microscope (2023) 显微镜下的大明 Episode 4 Recap and Review

Episode 4: Feng Baoyu rescues Shuai Jiamo

After Huang Zhifu finished handling the matter, he specially found a doctor for the county magistrate to treat him, and then he beckoned everyone to continue to accept the silk case. Last time Shuai Jiamo proposed to open the Jiage warehouse to find out the truth. Until now, Mao Zhixian still disagrees. He thinks that Jiage warehouse is not a place where idlers can enter. If everyone acts recklessly like Shuai Jiamo, The face of the government will be lost.

After hearing this, Huang Zhifu was very angry. He felt that Mao Zhixian was playing tricks here, and this matter is no longer a matter of ordinary people suing. This is something that Jin Anfu wants to investigate clearly. For more than 100 years, no adjustments will be made unless the Jiage Treasury is opened and thoroughly investigated. Afterwards, the three county magistrates still jointly suppressed Shuai Jiamo. They did not want to open the Jiage Treasury to investigate the situation. Personally discussing the matter of silk here is also in his arms, and he also protests that he wants to know why he insists on understanding the real reason of the silk case.

Huang Zhifu was very headache after hearing this, and he also asked Shuai Jiamo to explain the real reason why he went to build the pavilion. Out of curiosity, I went to the shelf library to check the situation, and found that it was related to the tax book.

The three county magistrates didn’t want to hear what he continued, so they quickly called Cheng Renqing, and Cheng Renqing quickly talked about the tragedy of Shuai Jiamo’s parents committing suicide 20 years ago, and the orphans left behind It was him, Cheng Renqing insisted that what Shuai Jiamo did today was to avenge his parents 20 years ago. Looking at Cheng Renqing in front of him, Shuai Jiamo suddenly recalled the tragic memory of the massacre when he was a child. Feng Baoyu was very worried about his condition and took him to the back hall. After waking up, Shuai Jiamo returned He wanted to continue investigating Sijuan’s case, but now the magistrates at the front desk were concerned about his life experience.

On the high platform, Huang Zhifu also knew that the three county magistrates deliberately obstructed the investigation of the silk case, which aroused his curiosity even more. Knowing that this tax has been more than a hundred years before he was born, even if there is unfairness, it has long been a foregone conclusion. He still hopes that Huang Zhifu can retreat in spite of difficulties. After hearing this, Huang Zhifu closed his eyes tightly. Very powerless, the case was decided very quickly, and an order was issued directly to announce the identity of Shuai Jiamo and hand him over to the torture chamber for trial.

On the other side, Feng Biyu didn’t know the progress of the case, and thought that his younger brother and the others had won. Cheng Renqing also ran to tell her the truth excitedly, and his smooth progress was the information provided by the other party. Afterwards, Shuai Jiamo was imprisoned and convicted of his real life experience. Just as Cheng Renqing was sitting in a sedan chair and was about to leave, Feng Baoyu ran up to him and knelt down, begging him to return to the truth and save Shuai Jiamo. Cheng Renqing’s idea was to ask Feng Baoyu to plead guilty instead of Shuai’s family. What he didn’t expect was that Feng Baoyu also directly tore up the pleadings to prepare for the rescue.

Shuai Jiamo was locked in a room with other criminals. In the dead of night, his strange behavior frightened everyone and the censor to change the cell. During the day, there were strange rumors of ghosts everywhere in the prison. After Feng Baoyu finished his work, he came to the prison to see Shuai Jiamo’s situation, and the censors also warmly welcomed him to visit the prison. Feng Baoyu, who came out of the cell, also found his sister Feng Biyu, and told her the good news. At this time, he also thought of a good way to rescue Shuai Jiamo. He was also released from the cell without guilt, and before leaving, the prefect Huang told him not to continue suing.

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