Under the Microscope (2023) 显微镜下的大明 Episode 3 Recap & Review

Under the Microscope (2023) 显微镜下的大明 Episode 3 Recap and Review

Episode 3: Shuai Jiamo sues

Fang Fanzhen warmly welcomed Shuai Jiamo to the house for dinner, and asked if there was any clue about the other party’s settlement. Shuai Jiamo had no new breakthroughs, but he already had an idea, and he felt that he couldn’t just stare at the silver coins , including the fact that it takes time to fold rice, wheat, cloth and silk into silver taels, and the most urgent situation is that the evidence is not enough, so it cannot be clearly stated.

After listening to Fang Fanzhen, he took out his silver taels without saying a word, and asked Shuai Jiamo to reveal the situation to himself. He knew that he could not put it into the warehouse for the time being, otherwise the account would not be settled, and he did not continue to pay attention to Fang Fanzhen.

Seeing that it was time to burn incense, he ran out to work. Seeing his actions, Fang Fanzhen kept blaming Shuai Jiamo behind his back for being such an idiot. After returning home, Shuai Jiamo lay barefoot in the room, vaguely recalling what his father said, and continued to stay like this until the next day.

Outside the office of Jin’an Mansion, Shuai Jiamo knelt outside the door, the magistrate Huang was on the scene, and the county magistrate asked him to report all the real situations one by one, and they also reminded Shuai Jiamo to tell the truth. Otherwise, there will be a big board waiting for him. At this time, Shuai Jiamo still just stayed where he was, without any intention of starting. When Huang Zhifu asked, he said that he was waiting for other people, and it was his friend Feng Baoyu who was waiting for the county magistrate.

After hearing this, he didn’t pay much attention to Feng Baoyu, and asked Shuai Jiamo to start directly, but Shuai Jiamo refused. He thought about his friend wanting this fame and fortune with him, and waited for his arrival.

Fang Fanzhen and others also laughed at him after hearing this, Huang Zhifu kindly reminded Shuai Jiamo that if he miscalculated, his friends would be punished with him, Shuai Jiamo still looked at everyone seriously, He insisted that he could not be wrong.

Soon, Feng Baoyu on the other side, accompanied by his sister Feng Biyu, also came to the government office to meet Shuai Jiamo, and he happily ran to the magistrate and others to salute, but the magistrate Huang and the others did not put Feng Baoyu on it at all. In my eyes, what should I do.

Huang Zhifu lowered his head and reported what he knew to Fang Fanzhen. It turned out that three county magistrates submitted invitations at the same time. What’s more, they also chose today as the date, just in time for Shuai Jiamo’s trial of the silk case At that time, Fang Fanzhen explained that the silk controversy was well known in Renhua County, and it was not surprising that everyone rushed to watch it.

Shortly thereafter, the three county magistrates arrived at the scene very quickly. Mao Zhixian also asked Huang Zhifu to ask for details, and he quickly agreed to let them discuss the case together. Feng Biyu in the room learned about the three cases from his subordinates. Wei magistrate came to join in the fun, and she asked everyone to keep watching them. Feng Biyu, who sat down, met Cheng Renqing who was coming towards him.

He was just boasting to Feng Biyu, but the other party didn’t listen to him at all, and asked him to continue talking about the purpose of this trip, and Cheng Renqing didn’t give a shit, he cut to the point and wanted to find out some facts about the silk scroll from Feng Biyu, but Feng Biyu unceremoniously asked him to pay the silver and then discuss the matter.

Feng Baoyu and Shuai Jiamo at the other end also talked with the county magistrates about the case, while Deng Siqi, the magistrate next to him, quickly stood up and denied Shuai Jiamo’s point of view. After his explanation, Shuai Jiamo was also thinking in silence, just when everyone thought he had encountered a problem, he continued to explain the real value and transportation cost to everyone, and everyone was speechless .

Everyone continued to embarrass Shuai Jiamo without giving up, Feng Baoyu quickly stood up and suggested that the prefect Huang lead everyone to go to the Jiageku to check the real situation, and the prefect Huang readily agreed.

Chajia Geku was very flustered, and any magistrate hurriedly pretended to be unwell and interrupted the investigation. After returning to the house, the three county magistrates continued to gather to discuss the case, and Cheng Renqing quickly ran over to hand over something entrusted to him.

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