Tohoku, Japan

Tohoku literally means northeast. It is a territory that covers one quarter of the island of Honshu, located in the northernmost part of Honshu. Its original name was “Michinoku”, meaning inner street. because in the past access was difficult But here is still with beautiful nature.

The land of Tohoku is the land of many myths and legends. And is the last place that still preserves the ancient traditions of life including local handicrafts that are still preserved under the flow of civilization and modern civilization

Tohoku consists of 6 prefectures:

1. Aomori is located in the northernmost part of the island of Honshu, near the island of Hokkaido, the capital is Aomori. The prefecture’s main economy is fishing, forestry and agriculture, with apples being a famous product.

2. Iwate is located in the north of the island of Honshu on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, Morioka is the capital. which is famous for ramen and soba and at Mitsuichi Shrine There are 3 giant rocks.

3. Miyagi is located on the island of Honshu, Sendai is the capital of the castle town. and one of them It is a castle where Daimyo Date Masamune, the lord of the ancient domain, ever built Excellence in agriculture and fisheries And is a source of beautiful views of Japan at Matsushima Bay

4. Akita is located on the island of Honshu, the capital is Akita. The prefecture’s main economy is fishing, forestry and agriculture. There is a famous mineral spring near Lake Tazawa.

5. Yamagata is located on the island of Honshu, the capital is Yamagata, a prefecture surrounded by mountains. Fruits are important export products such as cherries, pears, as well as grapes, melons and watermelons.

6. Fukushima is located on the island of Honshu, the capital is Fukushima, is the center of the electronics and software industry. and outstanding in seafood

Tourist Attraction

Hirosaki , or what Aomori people call “Kyoto of the North”

It was the northern administrative center of the Tsugaru clan, making it a town with an interesting history. The house looks different from the big city. And then there’s the famous Nebuta Festival.

Mount Yamadera Temple

Mountain temple. When visiting this temple. It’s like coming on a pilgrimage. Because if tourists want to prove the strength of their own legs I want to try to worship the temple at the top of the mountain and view of the small town Located in the midst of the valley below, then you will have to walk up only about 1,000 steps.

Zao Onsen Ski Resort

You can go skiing here. There is also a cool and beautiful scenery, which is a pine tree that is covered with snow until it is called Snow Monsters. Experience the cold weather. Until satisfied, there is also a place to soak in the onsen in case of physical conditioning.

Hirosaki Castle

Located in Hirosaki Park Hirosaki Castle has long been a symbol of the Hirosaki people. The castle was completed in 1610. Initially, the castle had five floors, but it burned down in 1627 after being struck by lightning. Later, in 1810, the castle was rebuilt to three floors. floor as seen today.

Neputa Village

The Nebuta Mura Village Museum (Neputa Mura) is a museum dedicated to Hirosaki’s Nebuta Festival and other cultures. The Nebuta Festival is held from August 1st to 7th all over the country. But the most famous are Nebuta in Hirosaki City and Aomori City.

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