Together 在一起 Episode 5 Recap

Together 在一起 Episode 5 Recap

Le Bin is an intern doctor who works in Wuhan and studied in Shanghai this year. He is also a student that the teacher appreciates. As the Spring Festival approached, Le Bin received another call from his mother, complaining that he had not returned home for three Spring Festivals, and asked him to take a leave of absence to come home this year.

Le Bin refused. It is not easy for him to study in the top ten departments in the country. , We must seize this opportunity. Zuogong Village, Jinghan City, January 18, 2020. The New Year’s atmosphere became stronger and stronger.

A family straightened their necks and finally waited until their daughter who was a doctor in Wuhan returned home. The family happily entered the house. Le Bin found out that the group was exploded and quickly called his senior. It turned out that an unknown virus emerged in Wuhan. The patient had doubled. Even Teacher Yuan came.

After Le Bin heard about it, he quickly applied to return to Wuhan, but Teacher Yuan asked him to An Xin studied in Shanghai, and Wuhan took them as the last line of defense. Rong Yi came to the commissary to buy soy sauce. She happened to see the new coronavirus news broadcast on TV.

As a doctor, she suddenly became alert. Le Bin was equally alert when she saw the news, and Rong Yi received a call from an aunt in the community. She was worried that she was infected while she was in Wuhan. Rong Yi asked her not to go to the hospital. Immediately afterwards, Rongyi received a call from a colleague, saying that all nearby residents ran to the health center for examination. Luo even fainted tiredly.

Rongyi suddenly realized that the virus was coming. Le Bin predicted the number of infections, and the flow of people will aggravate the spread of the virus, which may blow out in a few days. The news of Wuhan’s lockdown is also a good thing. Stopping the flow of people is stopping the virus. New Year’s Eve. Rongyi’s mother prepared red underwear and red panties for her birth year.

Rongyi was a little speechless, how could she still treat her as a child. The grandmother called again and asked her where to place her passbook. She was afraid that she would not be able to make it through, so she hoped that in the future, Rongyi would take the money to buy rice wine for her dead wife. Suddenly, Le Bin received a call from his senior.

Dr. Yuan had to come to the hospital to help despite his body just after the operation. Le Bin made up his mind upon seeing this and said he had to go back. Looking at the big fish and meat at home, Rong Yi hesitated and said for a long time that she wanted to go back to Wuhan. Le Bin had packed his things and hurriedly took a taxi to the airport. Rongyi’s parents are naturally unwilling to let her go back.

After all, the Wuhan epidemic is so serious, but Rongyi insists that although she can’t save everyone, only one can be saved. Rongyi’s father finally let go, and went to borrow her car in the middle of the night, and his mother also cried and agreed. Rongyi was very unwilling to give up and tears burst into her eyes.

Le Bin rushed to the airport to join the medical team, but the medical team was full and there was no place on the plane. Rong Yi’s second uncle came, and he was obviously afraid of going to Wuhan, so Rong Yi decided to go by bike. Le Bin bought it Train tickets, hurriedly boarded the train to Changsha before the car started, this is the place closest to Wuhan.

Le Bin didn’t plan to return to Shanghai. He knew that this time it should be a protracted battle. Under a piece of news comment, Rong Yi and Le Bin met, and said that they would look for a companion so that they would not be alone. The two joined the group chat with Xin Zai Han, and also added WeChat to each other. Le Bin was eating instant noodles in the car, and everyone in the car was cheering for the arrival of the new year.

Rong Yi couldn’t be happy looking at the gorgeous fireworks outside the window.

At seven o’clock in the morning on the first day of the new year, there were village officials in the village propagating epidemic prevention, and Rong Yi resolutely rode away on his bicycle, and his parents chased after her worriedly and stuffed her with a lot of food.

The moment she left the village, Rongyi couldn’t hold back her tears anymore, but she did not forget to turn her head to comfort her parents, saying that when she was in elementary school, she rode a bicycle for 20 kilometers! Rongyi’s car broke down and he couldn’t cross the Yangtze River Bridge, and his mentality collapsed. Le Bin thought she could not want to call to comfort him when she saw the circle of friends.

He unexpectedly learned that Rongyi was going to Wuhan by bike from home. Rong Yi’s head was a little dizzy, and he quickly pulled out some food from his schoolbag, only to find that the spicy noodles that her mother secretly stuffed in her bag were her favorite. Rong Yi left the bicycle and went on the bridge alone, and said stubbornly, she is no longer a little girl, she is a doctor.

The glory that came from retrograde attracted the attention of the lane beside her, and everyone cheered for her. Le Bin arrived in Changsha and decided to rent a car to Wuhan. The car dealers stipulated that the rent should start at seven o’clock. Le Bin would rather pay a few thousand dollars more and have to rush back.

This attracted the attention of the staff, thinking that he was here to cheat the car and sell it, but learned that he was a doctor and had to rush back. When he returned to the front line, he was immediately in awe and immediately lent him the car. He also said that he would apply for a refund with the company seven days later. If the company does not refund him personally, this is a veteran’s respect for him.

Rong Yi didn’t hit the car for a long time, and finally swept the shared bicycle on the roadside and went ahead in the rain. Le Bin’s journey was not smooth, either raining or barricades, and there was no gas halfway. Le Bin had to leave the car and walk on, Rong Yi and Le Bin met by chance.


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